Part 33

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Y/N's POV:

It's about 1:30pm the day after my little break down in the bathroom and Lizzie's been kinda.. giddy? "Baby!!" I hear Lizzie yell from upstairs.

"Yes belle?" I chuckle clicking my phone off and looking towards the stairs.

"Come up here please!" She yells in a polite manner which makes me laugh.

"Ok!" I get up and walk upstairs to see her standing in the middle of her room smiling. "Is everything ok belle?" I query walking over to her and grab her hands.

"Everything's fine. But you do need to get dressed and ready!" She giggles grabbing my face.

"Why? Are we going somewhere?" I raise a curious brow at her confused.

"Yep! You have a doctors appointment today at 3:00pm" She tells me which confuses me even more.

"I don't remember having one today?" I furrow my brows, then she pulls me to her kissing me.

"That's because I called yesterday to schedule you a check up" She smiles now draping her arms along my shoulders.

"Was that the phone call you made yesterday?" I query as a huge smile forms across my lips.

"Yea! We are gonna go and hopefully get that boot off you. Because I don't want you to be miserable anymore because of it." She kisses me then pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you babe, even if I don't get the boot off it's ok. With you by my side I can deal with it for a few more days or even weeks." I squeeze her tightly, swaying back and forth. "Ok I'll get changed" Lizzie smiles and let's go of me kissing me before backing away. I get changed and all ready while Lizzie sits on the bed already ready. "I'm ready belle" I walk out of the bathroom as Lizzie gets off the bed meeting me outside the bathroom.

"Let's go, we are gonna stop and grab some food" She smiles kisses me softly.

"But I just brushed my teeth! The foods gonna taste gross." I scrunch my face up in disgust making her laugh.

"By the time we get our food Im sure it won't be too bad my love" She giggles grabbing hold of my hands softly pulling me forward. "Now let's get going"

"Fine." I sigh as Lizzie rolls her eyes at me pulling me out of the room. I can't help but smile as she happily pulls me out the front door. "Babe you gotta lock the door!" I laugh as she digs her heels into the ground and spins around. She pulls her keys out and lock the door.

"Thank you for reminding me" She kisses me then brings me over to the car. She smiles and opens the car door for me.

"Why thank you belle" I climb into the car smiling when Lizzie blows me a kiss then shuts my door.

We head out to a little cafe and eat, "Does it taste bad baby?" Lizzie leans forward on the table smiling smugly at me.

"No. You were right" I roll my eyes taking another bite of my food. "I don't like when you're right"

"Oh you know you love it when I'm right my love" She chuckles and scrunches her nose.

"Hm.. I don't know about that. I do know that I love you" I blow her a kiss making her smile.

"I love you too, let's head to your appointment" She takes the last bite of her food and stands up holding her hand out to me. I nod in agreement taking her hand, she hoists me up wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Well look at you being touchy with me in public belle" I smile as she looks around and then give me a quick kiss.

"I was only trying to help keep your balance" She smirks letting go of my waist.

"We both know that's bullshit" I laugh as she grabs my hand and starts dragging me out to the car once again.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" She shrugs as we both get into her car. I roll my eyes chuckling while we drive off the the hospital. We get there a little before 3:00 so we have to sit and wait for a few extra minutes before a nurse comes and gets us. Once the nurse comes they instruct me to take off my boot to take some X-rays of it. Once that's done I put my boot back on and we are taken to a room to wait for the doctor to come. "How'd you foot feel when you took it out of the boot love?"

"It felt weird having it out of the boot. I didn't really put pressure on it so I can't say for sure" I shrug as Lizzie walks over and sits next to me. She smiles and grabs my hand with both of hers kissing my cheek. "I'm glad you're here with me"

"I'll always be with you" She smiles kissing my cheek again. My heart aches thinking about the fact that she won't be with me in Europe. "Babe?" She grabs my chin making me look at her.

"Um nothing. I think the doctors coming" I force a smile then lean in kissing her softly. "I love you"

"I love you too" She sighs and leans her head on my shoulder.

"Hello miss Y/l/n, miss Olsen" The doctor comes into the room smiling. "How're your feeling?"

"Hi, I'm feeling good" I smile.

"That's great, do you mind taking your boot off and walking around the room a little bit?" He asks sitting down at the computer.

"Oh, yea." I lift my leg up taking my boot off, I go to put it on the floor but Lizzie grabs it and smiles at me. "Thanks babe" I carefully hop off the seat. I start walking around the room.

"How's it feel?" He asks turning towards me in his chair.

"It feels weird I haven't used my foot without the boot in weeks. It's a little sore but other than that it's ok" I explain putting more pressure on my other foot standing in the middle of the room.

"Hm alright, you can sit back down if you'd like" I nod and sit back down next to Lizzie as he turns back to the computer. The doctor pulls up my X-rays from earlier. "Well.. it looks like your foot has healed up nicely. Since it's sore I'd say don't put too much pressure on it for the next few days. But I'd say you don't need the boot anymore"

"Yes" I cheer silently making the doctor and Lizzie laugh.

"And if anything is bothering you with your foot come back in and we'll get it checked out" He explains standing up from his chair.

"Ok, thank you so much" I smile hopping on the floor again.

"No problem, I'll see you again for a check up on a few weeks then" He smiles and leaves the room.

"Yay you got the boot off!" Lizzie cheers wrapping her arms around my neck and kisses me.

"Finally! Now let's get home" I chuckle wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Ok but first" She grabs my face kissing me passionately. "I love you, now we can go"

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