Part 90

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"Honey calm down" My mom furrows her brows at me while I pace around the living room of my home.

"We will figure something out Y/n!" Ava chimes in standing up from the couch reaching out to grab my arm.

"No no. How could I not think of this before?" I shake my head continuing to pace around the living room.

Ava sighs and sits back down, then shortly after the front door opens. Then in comes Lizzie, Tom and Scarlett looking confused. "What's happening?" Tom looks at me then at my mom and Ava for an answer.

"Babe are you ok?" Lizzie sets her bag down and walks over to me.

"No I'm freaking out!" I put my hands on my head walking back and forth.

"Stop pacing for a second my love!" She grabs onto my shoulders, stopping me from pacing more. "What's the matter?"

"I mentioned who would be walking down the aisle with her." Ava chuckles nervously as I step back from Lizzie feeling anxious.

"I don't have anyone to walk me down the aisle! Dad's gone and... and I don't have anyone else who could! I don't know what I'm going to do" I start pacing once again making Ava groan.

"Hey it's ok! We will figure it out" Lizzie grabs onto me once again and pulls me closer.

"We are getting married in a week! Who am I going to have walk with me? How could I have missed this! I don't know what to do" I whine feeling my anxiety rise the more I rant on.

Then Lizzie grabs my face gently and kisses me, "Breathe babe. Take some deep breaths" She says in a soft calming tone. I close my eyes and begin taking deep breaths as she rubs her thumbs softly on my cheeks. "Better?"

"A little bit. Thank you belle" I open my eyes, giving her a small kiss. "But I still have a dilemma. I want to have someone walk me..." I sigh as Lizzie drops her hands to her sides.

"I'll do it." Tom volunteers making us all look over at him.

"What?" I say quietly.

"I'll walk down the aisle with you." He smiles.

"You... You want to walk me?" I check as he walks over to me.

"Of course!" He puts his hands on my shoulders still smiling softly at me. "You're my best friend. I can be the best man AND the one to walk with you down the aisle." He laughs a little before continuing, "Since Lizzie here will be your new best friend once you're married, it'll be like me passing the torch on to her"

"You're a dork" I laugh getting choked up and pull him into a hug. "You'll always be my best friend Tommy"

"I know Y/n. And you will always be mine. But I know Lizzie will become more of a priority than me. Which is fine obviously" He points to Lizzie making her laugh.

"Thank you.." I sniffle hugging him tightly, "I really appreciate that you'll do this..."

"No need to thank me." He chuckles and hugs me tightly back. Then I feel Lizzie join the hug, hugging me from the side.

Then Scarlett joins in, then my mom and Ava. "I love you guys"

"We love you too honey" My mom says as we all let go of each other.

"Are you ok now Y/n?" Scarlett checks with a small smile.

"I'm ok. Definitely better than I was."

"So no more pacing? Because you were irritating me" Ava squints her eyes at me making me laugh.

"No more pacing, I promise" I roll my eyes and laugh when Lizzie wraps her arms around me and kisses my cheek. "How are you doing then?"

"I'm good babe. I'm glad you're not freaking out anymore." She smiles leaning her head on my shoulder. After my little freak out we all hung out for a few hours, then one by one everyone began leaving back home. Now I sit on the couch scrolling through TikTok as Lizzie waters her garden before we call it a night. As I'm scrolling I get to a recommended live which is a women doing ASMR mouth sounds. She's kissing the mic and acting like she's licking it as I sit there not knowing how to feel. "What are you watching?"

I hear Lizzie's voice from behind me, startling me. I jump, tossing my phone in the air causing it to hit my leg and fall onto the floor. "Jesus you scared the shit out of me!"

I exclaim as the live still plays on my phone. Which then from my phone comes "Hi baby" in a low sensual voice.

I stare wide eyed at her as she looks at me confused. "What the hell are you watching out here?" She hurries to the other side of the couch as I reach for my phone. She smacks my hand away and grabs it before I can. I hide my face in my hands as she watches some of the love on my phone. "You like this huh?" She queries.

I take my hands off my face and shake my head. "No! It just popped up!"

She smirks and clicks my phone off, setting it on the coffee table. "Oh I think you do like it." Then she takes me down on the couch, pinning me down and kisses me. "Wait would it be more pleasing if I did this?" She giggles and begins kissing my ear.

"Ah hey stop it! That feels weird!" I laugh trying to get out from underneath her.

"You know you like it my love" She lets out another giggle while kissing my ear over and over.

"That tickles stop it!" I continue laugh still trying to wiggle myself away to no avail.

"Maybe I should try licking your ear" She smirks teasingly at me.

"Don't you dare" I squint my eyes at her while trying to contain my laughter. She bites her bottom lip and leans back down then licks my ear. "Ah babe what the hell!" I laugh now trying to use my body to push her off me as she begins laughing with me. She does it again then kisses my ear to my cheek, to my lips then to my other ear while I laugh and laugh. "Stop that!"

"Ok ok that was the last one I promise" She giggles, letting go of my wrists.

I sit up wrapping my arms around her and kisses her passionately. "You're a weirdo you know that?" I chuckle against her lips.

" You're the one who likes that. What was that anyway? ASMR?" She queries with a huge grin on her lips.

"I don't like it! It popped up on my for you page and I just happened to be looking at it when you walked in" I roll my eyes as she giggles and kisses me again.

"I believe you babe. Now let's go to bed"

"Fine we will go but we aren't sleeping" I stand up holding onto her leading her to wrap her legs around my waist.

"I knew you liked that stuff! It got you all hot and heavy" She teases as I begin walking towards the stairs.

"You know what? Just for that we are going to sleep now." I huff walking up the stairs.

"Wait no I'm sorry! I was just kidding" She objects hugging onto me tightly and whines.

"Nope. Too late. You ruined it" I giggle as she continues to groan and whine.

"I'm not tired." She grabs my face and glares at me as I get to our room.

"That look isn't going to help belle" I laugh dropping her on the bed. She looks me up and down silently while I stand there with my arms crossed trying to contain myself. She sits up on her knees and grabs onto my shirt pulling me towards her.

"Fine we'll sleep" She frowns, giving me a little pout before turning away dramatically and laying down on the bed. She rolls over looking over at me. I chuckle and climb into the bed getting on top of her making her smile.

"I love you dork"

"I love you too" She giggles as I lean down kissing her lovingly making her wrap her arms around my neck bringing me closer to her.

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