Part 14

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Lizzie's POV:
I wake up forgetting for a moment I was in a hospital room with Y/n. I look down at my hand in here's then I look up at her face. I scoot closer to the bed moving some hair out of her face. "Morning Y/n.." I slowly sit back down starting to rub the back of her hand with my thumb. "Your mom and sister should be here soon it's.. it's 6 in the morning!? God I slept horrible." I groan rubbing the tiredness from my eyes. "I wish I could cuddle you.. I'm starting to miss cuddling with you.. waking up to see me and you cuddling. Just waking up and seeing your beautiful sleeping face... or even you staring down at me.." Tears start welling up in my eyes blurring my vision. "I wanna sing loudly in the car with you again and be obnoxious.." I wipe the tears that have escaped my eyes off of my cheeks. Suddenly my phone starts ringing, so I look and it's Scarlett. "Scar? What are you doing up?"

"I knew you'd be up. And also cause I woke up a few minutes ago"

"Is everything ok?"

"Everything's fine here. How about over there?"

"It's.. fine. Nothings really happened.."

"That's good. So I'm getting ready and I'm gonna pick you up so you can shower and change"

"What? No I don't want to leave! I want to stay by her side"

"Liz, her mom and sister are coming today. You haven't showered, and you're wearing clothes you've been wearing for a whole day" I sit quietly thinking about what she said. "Come on, it won't take that long. You don't wanna be stinky when her family comes right?"

"No... ok fine. You're right, I should at least shower and get changed."

"And brush your teeth!"

"Yes and brush my teeth" I chuckle.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes!"

"Ok see you soon."


"Bye" I hang up and put my phone back in my pocket. "I'll be back as fast as I can. Scarlett makes a good point I need to shower and brush my teeth. Other than that I'm not leaving your side.." I sigh grabbing her hand softly again. So I sit there quietly with her until Scarlett eventually comes in with a soft smile. "Hey Scar"

"Hey Liz" She walks over to the other side of the bed grabbing Y/n's hand. "Hey Y/n.." She smiles and looks over at me. "How's she been? Any movement?"

"No movement, she's been the same. And I guess that's better than being worse so I'll take it." I bring her hand up kissing the back of her hand softly. "Do I have to go?" I whine.

"It won't take very long. We'll be back as soon as we can, then you can sit here with her as long as you want. Now come on" She walks over to where I'm sitting grabbing my wrist.

"Ok fine" I stand up and lean over kissing Y/n on the forehead. "I'll be right back"

"We'll see you soon Y/n" Scarlett reaches over squeezing her hand a little. With that me and Scarlett leave to my house, I take a quick shower, which felt Amazing. Then I got into clean clothes, brushed my hair out and brushed my teeth. After 20 minutes of being home I tell Scarlett I'm ready to go. So we quickly drive back to the hospital, when we get there I get a text from Y/n's mom.

Y/n's Mom:
Hi! This is Lizzie right?

Yes ma'am, hi!
Y/n's Mom:
Great! Me and Y/n's sister are on our way to the hospital now. We will be there in 10 minutes

Ok sounds good! I'll come down and show you where Y/n's room is.
Y/n's Mom:
Well that's very sweet of you! Thank you and we will see you soon

Sounds good, I'll see you soon!

"What's going on?" Scarlett queries as we walk into the hospital.

"Y/n's mom and sister are on their way, they'll be here in 10 minutes" I explain to Scarlett as she stops in the middle of the waiting room.

"Are you gonna wait down here for them?" She asks

"Yes but real quick I want to go see Y/n for a second" I take a deep breathe rubbing the back of my neck.

"Ok, let's go. Tom will be here soon too" She motions me to follow her to the room.

Toms still super pissed at me probably. We walk to Y/n's room where she still lays unconscious. "Hey Y/n we're back" I walk over kissing her forehead again. "Tom and your family will be here soon to see you"

"I'll stay here while you go see her parents also" Scarlett smiles sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Ok sounds good. I'll be back Y/n" I hesitate looking down at her before leaving to the waiting room. I sit down looking through pictures of me and Y/n. I miss her..

"Lizzie." I look up to see Tom standing in front of me.

"Tom, hi" I stand up clearing my throat.

"Why are you down here? I thought you stayed with Y/n last night." His tone is a little irritated, he's definitely still upset with me.

"I did stay here, I left for about 30 minutes to take a shower and brush my teeth. I'm sitting down here because her mom and sister should be here any minute." I explain rubbing the back of my forearm awkwardly.

"Oh, ok. You can go back up and I'll wait for them if you want." He offers dryly.

"It's ok, I told her mom I'd wait here for them. You can go to Y/n's room though, Scar's there too" I chuckle awkwardly.

"Hm.. I'll sit down here with you, I haven't seen them for awhile." He sits down in the seat next to mine as I sit back down.

"Tom? I really am sorry..." I apologize looking over at him.

"I told Y/n I had feelings for her yesterday. That's why I ran out." I look over at him wide eyed. "But she told me she hadn't felt that way about me for a long time. That she liked you.."

"Wait, what?"

"Tommy!" I look over and see who I assume is Y/n's mom and sister.

"Hey!" He stands up hugging her sister then her mom. "I've missed you guys!"

"We've missed you too!" Her sister smiles.

"And you must be Lizzie! It's nice to meet you, we've heard a lot about you" Her mom says bringing me into a hug.

"It's nice to meet you too. Wait you have?" I look at her surprised as her sister walks over standing next to their mom.

"Yea, Y/n never shuts up about you." Her sister laughs. "I'm Ava by the way, Y/n's older sister" She opens her arms offering a hug.

"Nice to meet you too" I smile giving her a big hug.

"Well let's go see my little girl" Her mom grabs Toms arm then my arm as we start walking to Y/n's room. I look over at Tom who makes eye contact with me then immediately looks forward awkwardly. This is gonna be an interesting couple of days.

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