Part 11

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Lizzie's POV:
I watch Y/n slam the door running out of the house while hot tears stream down my face. I hear Robbie start walking over to me and say, "Lizzie" I feel him grab onto my wrist, I immediately rip my arm away from him. I spin around slapping him across the face. "Ow, Lizzie! What the hell?!"

"I told you I don't want to be with you! You're a cheating asshole! Gah Why'd you have to kiss me!" I groan running my hands frustratedly through my hair.

"Because I love you Lizzie! I want to give us another chance please!" He begs grabbing onto my hands.

"No. No! Let go of me!" I pull my hands away from his and push him back. "I want Y/n! That's who I want! I like her! You dont love me Robbie! So just go, get the hell out of my house!" I grab the doorknob and swing the front door open.

"Come on Lizzie! Please don't do this. Don't kick me out" He pleas with me.

I shake my head and point out the door, "We are done Robbie. You made your choice, and I'm making mine. I don't want to see you again! So please just leave!"

"Ok ok... I'll leave. But just know I love you Lizzie." He starts walking towards the door.

"Yea well.. I'm not sure I can say I love you anymore Robbie. You really hurt me.. and now you've just come back and ruined everything.. so just leave." I sigh leaning on the door waiting for him to leave.

"Ok.. I'm sorry.." He finally walks out the door, after a second of me watching him to make sure he leaves I go to close the door. "Lizzie wait!"

"What?" I groan open the door fully again.

"I think you should come out here and see this." He looks at me emotionless and motions me to come over to him.

"Ugh fine." I walk out shutting my front door and start towards him. "I swear if you try something-" I stop as my heart drops. I see an ambulance and paramedics putting Y/n on a gurney. "Y/n!" I run over to a lady who's crying her eyes out next to the ambulance. "Y/n oh my god! What happened!?"

"I-I was driving down the street when suddenly this young lady ran out into the road! I couldn't stop in time and I ended up hitting her. I'm so sorry, im so so sorry oh my god" The lady cry's hysterically. "So I stayed and called 911 to come help.."

"Y/n no.." I walk over to the ambulance. "Wait can I come in the ambulance with her??"

"We only usually let family in the back" One of the men say.

"She's my fiancé! She lives here with me! Please sir I want to be with her while we go" I beg the paramedics.

They look at each other then back at me, "Ok ma'am you can come in the back" One of the paramedics agree.

"Thank you! Let me lock up the house!" I quickly run up to the house, go inside and grab my keys then run back out. I lock my door and quickly run back to the ambulance. Once they have Y/n secured in the ambulance one of the paramedics help me into the back with Y/n. They shut the doors as I take a seat next to her. "Y/n... this is all my fault.. I'm so sorry.. don't die on my please.."

"We won't let her die ma'am, we will do everything we can to make sure she'll make it through this" The paramedic says trying to reassure me. "I'm sure it's not your fault"

"We had a fight and she ran out... Y/n.." I begin sobbing uncontrollably in my hands. The paramedic goes silent starting to make sure that Y/n was still breathing.

"Don't beat your self up ma'am. I'm sure she won't blame you when she wakes up. Everything will be ok, I won't let her die." I look up to see him smiling back at me then goes back to checking Y/n.

"Thank you..." I sniffle wiping the tears from my cheeks as we approach the hospital. I didn't notice it but Tom had been blowing up my phone. Before I can answer the ambulance doors swing open and they quickly get Y/n out of the ambulance and wheel her inside.

I run in after them, I try following them into the ER but the paramedic that was talking with me stops me. "I'm sorry ma'am but you'll have to wait out here. I'll have the doctor come out here when he's done"

I go to object but I decide to just bite my tongue and nod slowly, "Ok.. thank you" With that he quickly follows after the other paramedics. I walk over to one of the chairs in the waiting room and begin crying once again.

"Lizzie!" I hear Tom yell from the other side of the room.

"T-Tom! You're here!" I get up as he walks towards me.

"What happened? Where's Y/n??" He grabs my shoulders starting to shake me a little. "I got a call from her but it was a paramedic speaking! He said there was an accident and she was being brought to the hospital."

"I don't know they rolled her into the ER! But we had a fight.. she saw Robbie kissing me and we fought. Then she ran out. When I made Robbie leave... he told me to come look and there was an ambulance.. and Y/n..." I start getting choked up, so I take a stifled breathe trying to hold back tears until I finish. "Y/n had ran into the street and.. a lady came driving.. she couldn't stop in time and.. and Y/n got hit.." Once I finish I start crying hysterically into my hands.

"Are you kidding me??" Toms tone changes making me look up at him. He looks pissed but there's tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Tom! I didn't want this to happen! I didn't want Robbie to kiss me, I didn't want her to leave. I didn't want any of this to happen" I cry grabbing onto his jacket as his arms drop to his sides.

"I'm so pissed at you right now Lizzie" He says as tears start rolling down his face. I can see him clenching his jaw shut.

"I-I know and I deserve for you to be mad at me! But I pushed Robbie away from me, but she didn't believe me! Please you have to believe me Tom I like Y/n so so much" I grip onto his jacket tighter.

"Let go. I don't want to hear it. If she dies.. I will never EVER forgive you Lizzie." I look up at him wide eyed. I let go of him and back away. "She is my best friend, I love her. She means the world to me. I can't believe you were seriously kissing your ex fiancé."

"B-But Tom I told you-"

"I don't care." He interrupts me wiping the tears off his cheek.

"Lizzie! Tom!" Scarlett comes running over tackling me into a hug. "Tom told me Y/n was in the hospital, what happened?" She pulls back grabbing my shoulders as I look up at Tom who's staring at the floor trying not to cry again. "Come on let's sit down. Both of you" Scarlett helps me up and over to a chair. Tom sits on the other side of Scarlett. She sits waiting for an explanation so I take a deep breathe and tell her about what happened.

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