Part 63

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Lizzie's POV:
"Tom where are we going!?" I look over at Tom as he drives us to where he says Y/n is.

"I told you, trust me. I know where she is. God I'm an idiot! How could I not remember?" He groans in frustration and runs his free hand through his hair.

"Forget what?" I query, but there's just silence. A few minutes later we pull up to a cemetery. "Tom? Why are we at a cemetery?"

"Today's the anniversary of Y/n'a dads death..." He puts the car in park and looks over at me. "I'm assuming she's told you that he passed away?"

"Baby..." I look over to see her car parked next to us. "Yea.. it was the first day she was at my house. She told me her dad died when she was 13.. and then moved to Arizona" I take my seatbelt off and open the car door. "Thank you for bringing me here Tom"

"Of course. I'll be here to make sure you guys are ok." He smiles sadly.

"Thank you" I lean over kissing his cheek, then I quickly get out of the car slamming the door shut. I run along the path seeing Y/n sat down in front of a grave not too far from me. I slow down taking deep breathes to slow my breathing. I walk up behind her taking one last deep breathe before saying, "Y/n?" She turns back to look at me. Her eyes are red and puffy, tears are running down her cheeks. "Oh baby" I quickly get down on my knees pulling her into me. The second I do, she begins to break down in my arms. "Shh.. it's ok.. it's ok.."

After some more crying she begins to calm down some. "It's been... 10 years.. and I still miss him so much" She says burying her face into my chest.

"It's only natural my love. I know you loved him very much, and even after so much time it still hurts" I kiss her head tightening my grip around her.

"You know... he would've loved you" She sniffles sitting back while I keep my arms around her.

"Yea? You think so?" I smile wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"Yea.. I wish he could've met you" She smiles sadly as a few tears escape from her eyes down her cheeks.

"Well... I'm here now" I smile kissing under her eyes making her let out a small chuckle.

"What do you mean?" She queries wiping her eyes dry.

I kiss her softly and turn to face her fathers gravestone. "Hi Mr. Y/l/n I'm Lizzie. You have a beautiful daughter on the inside and out. And I love her so so much. I promise to make her the happy for the rest of our lives"

"You promise?" She says softly.

I look over at her, she has more tears falling down her face. "Oh don't cry my love" I cup her cheeks in my hands, wipe her tears away with my thumbs and kiss her softly. "I promise."

"Y/n?" Toms voice comes from behind us causing us to turn around to look at him.

"Tommy" She gets up and quickly runs to him almost tackling him into the ground. "Thank you for coming and bringing Lizzie here.."

"Of course Y/n.." I stand up to my feet hearing Y/n begin sobbing again. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I didn't realize what today is. And then with my parents coming over-"

"Hey no don't do that Tom" She says shaking her head and taking a step back. "It's ok. At least you remembered eventually" She jokes making Tom laugh a little. "Thank you"

"Like I said. Anything for my best friend" He smiles pulling Y/n back into a hug kissing the top of her hair. "Come here Lizzie, group hug" He holds one of his arms out to me letting me into the hug. I walk over wrapping them both into a hug. "He'd be so proud of you Y/n" Tom whispers.

"Thank you Tom... I think he'd be proud too.." She sniffles pulling back and smiling at us both.

"Do you want to stay here a little longer baby?" I check as we let go of each other.

She looks back at her father grave and then back to me and Tom. "No I think I'll come back. I'm just gonna say bye"

"Ok. We'll head back to the cars" Tom smiles and starts walking back to the cars. I start walking away but stop in my tracks and turn back around to face Y/n.

I see her knelt down in front of the grave, "I'm glad I got to come see you this year dad. I miss you. I love you.. I'll make sure to come again while I'm here. Bye dad" She places her hand on top of the grave stone then gets up and turns around seeing me standing there. "Oh belle, I didn't know you were still standing here"

"I wasn't gonna let you walk back alone my love. Come on" I smile holding my hand out to her.

She smiles walking to me and taking my hand in hers. We walk back to the cars together where Tom is waiting, leaning back on his car. "Are you gonna go back with Tom belle?"

I look over at him thinking for a moment, "You can go with her. I'm a big boy I can go by myself" He chuckles pushing himself up from the car.

"Thank you Tom" I smile, me and Y/n then both give him a hug.

"We'll see you back at the house" Y/n smiles as Tom wipes her cheek with his sleeve. "Hey stop that!"

"What? You had a little something right here" He chuckles wiping her other cheek with his sleeve again.

"Stop!" She whines swatting his hands away from her.

"Ok ok fine" He smiles smugly at her putting his hands up in front of his chest.

"You're annoying" She huffs crossing her arms as I wrap my arms around her sides kissing her cheek.

"I love you too. I'll see you two at the house" He chuckles and gets into the car.

"Let's get going" I let go of her and turn to the car. But she grabs my wrist pulling me back into her and kisses me passionately.

"Thank you. I love you"

"Theres no need to thank me beautiful. I love you too. Now let's get back" I smile kissing her softly.

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