Part 58

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A little while later Zendaya and Jacob arrived, we gave them a tour then we all sat in the living room to visit. I sat on our small sofa expecting Tom to sit next to me to annoy Lizzie. But surprisingly he didn't, he sat on our bigger sofa with Jacob then Zendaya sat next to Tom on his other side. Lizzie took her seat next to me laying her head on my shoulder. After visiting for a little bit I decided to cook us some dinner, "I'll be back, I'm gonna cook us up some dinner" I smile getting up from the sofa.

"Oh ok" Tom looks over smiling.

"Thank you Y/n" Zendaya turns to me and smiles as well.

"Of course, it's not a problem" I not starting towards the kitchen when I feel a hand in mine.

"I'll come help you babe" Lizzie says kissing my cheek softly.

"You don't have to belle" I kiss her cheek back smiling.

"I know but I want to! So come on" She continues walking, pulling me with her into the kitchen. We start cooking some lemon chicken pasta for dinner, once we had everything out Lizzie starts a conversation. "This is the first time I've really gotten to talk to both Zendaya and Jacob. They're sweet and funny I like them"

"Glad you think so belle, they are very nice and we all get along very well" I smile bumping her hip playfully with mine.

"That's good" She kisses my cheek filling up a big pot with water. "So.. She likes Tom doesn't she?" Lizzie queries quietly.

"You think so too? I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed" I chuckle as she brings the pot over to the stove.

"They'd be cute together don't you think?" She looks over, turning the burner on.

"I think they would too my love, my best friend should be happy too.." I smile softly looking towards the kitchen doorway.

"We should set them up!" She says excitedly bringing my attention back to her.

I shush her causing her to cover her mouth and giggle. "I think you've had a brilliant idea darling" I wrap my arms around her kissing her softly.

"I like when you talk to me in your accent" She breathes against my lips.

"I'll have to do it more often" I wink at her, kiss her again then turn back to the food.

"What should we do about those two out there?" She queries.

"I'm not to sure yet. We'll figure something out" I smile and kiss her cheek when there's a knock on the door. "Hm who's that?" I query. I rinse my hands off and walk over to the front door and open it to see Toms youngest brother Paddy. "Paddy?? What are you doing here? Are you by yourself?"

"Hi! Uh yea I'm by myself" He chuckles awkwardly.

"Are you ok?? Come in" I invite him in, he starts into the house and I shut the door behind him.

"I was at my mates house and I ended up having to leave. I remember Tom saying your address to our mom and figured out it wasn't far from his house so I walked here" He rubs the back of his neck nervously. "Is it ok if I hangout here?"

"Of course! I'm making dinner for us and our guests so there'll be plenty of food for you as well" I smile bringing him in for a hug.

"Thank you! Wait you have guests?" He queries stepping back from the hug.

"Yea but it's ok. It's Zendaya and Jacob. And Lizzie" I smile.

"Lizzie?? As in your girlfriend? I thought she was back in America?" He looks at me confused.

"She surprised me with a visit, Tom helped her so it'd really surprise me. Do you want to come meet her?" I ask him and watch his face light up.

"Yes!" He exclaims with a big smile forming across his lips.

"Come on then she's in the kitchen" I motion for him to follow me. We walk into the kitchen where Lizzie is zesting the lemon into a separate pot with the chicken. "Hey belle"

Lizzie turns around to us still holding the lemon in her hand. "Hey baby. Who's this?"

"This is Tom's youngest brother Paddy. Paddy this is my beautiful girlfriend Lizzie" I smile introducing them to each other.

"Oh well hi! It's nice to meet you" Lizzie says with a smile, "I'd hug you but my hands are kinda full" She chuckles lightly.

"That's ok, it's nice to meet you too! Y/n talks very highly of you" He laughs as I push him on his arm shushing him.

"Aw you speak highly of me baby?" She smirks at me.

Before I can say anything Tom walks into the kitchen, "Who are you guys talking- Paddy!? What are you doing here!?"

"I was at my mates house but I had to leave. So I walked here since it's not that for from his house. Y/n said I could stay and hangout" I watch him smile widely at Tom as he just stands there quietly.

He sighs and puts his hand on his shoulder, "That's fine. Why don't you come meet Zendaya and Jacob? We'll let them cook for now" He suggests.

"Oh awesome! I'd love to do that" He turns around and gives me a hug. "I'll be in the living room"

"I heard you dork" I laugh as he lets go of me and follows Tom out into the living room.

I go back to cooking with Lizzie to finish up dinner. "He's a cute kid" 

"Yea? He's sweet, all the Holland boys are very sweet. They're mom is supper sweet too, she's like my second mom" I find myself smiling to myself.

"You really love them all Huh?" She queries looking over at me.

"I do yea. They're my family too" I smile and kiss her softly. "You'll have to meet them all too, they'll love you"

"I'm sure I'll love them too" She kisses me then turns back to the stove.

"I love you"

"I love you too baby"

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