Part 51

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We finally land and head to our home for the next few months. On the car ride there I called Lizzie who happened to be sleeping. We talked for a few minutes then I let her go back to sleep. We get to the house and it's a cute little one story with two bedrooms and one bathroom. "Wow look at this place!" Tom sets his suitcases next to the couch and walks into the kitchen.

"It's really nice" I place my bags next to his for now and follow him into the kitchen. "The backyard is gorgeous!" I gasp looking out the kitchen window. "Let's go look" I grab his wrist and drag him out into the backyard as he laughs.

"Whoa this is gorgeous" He smiles walking further into the backyard.

"There's even a little fire pit! We are totally using that while we are here!" I say turning back to him excitedly making him laugh.

"Definitely. Im glad to see you in a much more chipper mood" He chuckles sitting down on one of the chairs.

"You know I just am gonna miss her so much" I chuckle awkwardly, "Don't get me wrong, I love you! I love spending time with just you!"

"But she's your girlfriend and you're in love. I know! It's not a bad thing darling" He stands up walking over to me and pulling me into a hug.

"I don't want it to feel like I'm neglecting you or anything. You're my best friend. You'll always be my best friend" I hug him tightly, burying my face in his chest.

"You'll always be my best friend too Y/n. You're not neglecting me also. You're in love and you wanna spend most of your time with Lizzie I understand, she makes you happy" He pulls back grabbing onto my face. "And if she makes you happy then I'm happy. Because all I want is for my best friend in the whole world to be happy"

"You're gonna make me cry! Stop it!" I slap his arm feeling tears start welling up in my eyes. "I want you to be happy too"

"I know" He laughs kissing my forehead then letting go of my face. "I love you Y/n/n"

"I love you too Tommy" I smile then dry my eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie. "Ok ok let's go inside and eat. I'm starving"

"We don't have any food. We need to go grocery shopping" He laughs following me back into the house.

"Shit you're right. Let's go out to eat then I guess. Let me go change" I run over to our bags and grab mine taking them to my room.


Later that night I sit in my room unpacking my bags, putting my clothes away in the closet. At the bottom of my second suitcase I see a familiar hoodie folded nicely. "She didn't..." I pull out the hoodie, it's Lizzie's favorite black hoodie. I put it up to my face sniffing it, "It smells like her too..." I look around at my clothes, "Wait.. I think I'm missing a hoodie" I furrow my brows but quickly shrug it off. I sit there looking down at her hoodie laid on my lap.

"Y/n!" Tom comes barging in, "How's unpacking?" He looks from my face to the hoodie in my hands. "Is that Lizzie's?"

"Yea.. she must've put it in my suitcase before I left" I look up at him smiling sadly.

"You'll see her again soon. It'll be fine" He sits next to me wrapping her arm around my shoulders. "Let's go watch a movie and then get some sleep ok?"

"Ok" I sigh as we stand up. I slip her hoodie on then follow Tom out into the living room.


Lizzie's POV:
I sit on the couch in Y/n's hoodie I stole from her suitcase. "You've been in that hoodie all day" Scarlett walks into the living room from the kitchen.

"It's Y/n's! I miss her" I groan hiding my face in the hoodie.

"I'm assuming she's done the same thing?" Scarlett chuckles taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"Well.. When I grabbed this hoodie out of her bag I slipped my favorite black hoodie in her suitcase instead." I take the hoodie away from my face looking over at Scarlett.

"Sneaky" She laughs.

"I wanted something that smells like her so I gave her something that smells like me!" I huff turning towards the tv.

"It's cute Liz" She nudges my arm with her elbow.

"It's only been two days and I miss her already" I whine leaning my head back into the couch  

"I know, I miss her too but I'll keep you company! I am your best friend after all" She flips her hair back making me chuckle.

"I'm glad you're here to keep me company. I think I'd go crazy if I didn't have you" I fall to the side laying my head on her shoulder. Then I get a text.

Hey, we should meet up and talk

I really need to talk to you it's important

Babe please! I wanna talk this out!

I miss you 🥰

I groan shutting my phone off and ignoring his texts. "What's wrong?" Scarlett queries at my annoyance.

"It's Robbie. He won't leave me alone. He's been texting me ever since me and Y/n went clubbing and she beat him up." I scoff as my phone dings again.

"What the hell?? Just block him" Scarlett suggests grabbing my phone and handing it to me. "Then you can get some peace and quiet"

I sigh grabbing my phone from her, "You're right" I open my phone, go to his contact and block his number. "Done"

"Good. Are you gonna tell Y/n?" She asks as I set my phone down on the couch next to me.

"I will. But I think I'm gonna wait, I don't want to worry her or anything. She just left, I don't want this information to give her anxiety or anything right now. But I will tell her!" I explain to her. She just nods and smiles at me. Hopefully now that I've blocked him, Robbie will take a hint and leave me the hell alone.

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