Part 75

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I lay on the couch scrolling through my Instagram while Tom is out with Zendaya. This is the second time this week they've gone and hung out by themselves. Which I'm happy about, I want Tom to be happy and I think they would make such a cute couple. Suddenly I hear my phone start ringing, breaking me out of my train of thought. I see Lizzie's contact name on my screen and immediately answer, "Hey belle"

"Hi my love! How's your night going?" She asks with a big smile on her face.

"It's going way better now that I'm talking to you" I wiggle my eyebrows as she rolls her eyes at me.

"So cheesy babe"

"I think I'm gonna go throw up now" I hear Scarlett say in the background.

"You both know you love my cheesyness!" I laugh seeing Scarlett in the background giving me the finger. "Love you too Scarlett"

"Yea yea love you too" She says walking out of frame. 

"Hey what about me?" Lizzie pouts making me chuckle lightly.

"I love you darling"

"I love you too" She giggles blowing me a kiss. Then I hear a small meow and see Lizzie lean over. "Somebody wants to say hi" She chuckle lifts up Ivy showing her in the camera.

"Hi little Ivy! She's so cute. How is she doing with you girls?" I query as she sets Ivy on her lap starting to pet her.

"She's been doing great! She's been eating a lot, sleeping, playing with Rose. Rose loves her! I think we might have to get Rose a kitten before we move" She laughs looking back at I'm assuming Scarlett.

"No kitten! I have enough to worry about" She groans making me laugh. Then Scarlett comes up behind Lizzie and bends down to be in frame. "I'm talking to you Y/n! Do not get my daughter a kitten! I'll do that myself when shes a little older" She says glaring at me.

"No need to yell" I begin laughing as Lizzie covers her mouth trying to contain her laughter.

"Say it"

"Say what?"

"That you won't get my daughter a kitten" She says squinting her eyes at me.

"Fine I won't get Rose a kitten..." I smirk at the phone making Scarlett grumble.

"Or any other pet!"

"Alright ok! No pets!" I put my hand up in surrender making her smile smugly at me.

"Good. Love you"

"Love you too" I roll my eyes as she leaves the room again. "So my love, how's filming been?"

"Good. I wish you were here to see though" She frowns sticking her bottom lip out.

"I know darling, I wish I could come visit you on set." I smile softly, leaning back on my couch.

"How much longer will you be gone?" She whines as I watch Ivy crawl up Lizzie's chest and curls up on her shoulder. Lizzie awes looking over at Ivy so I take this chance to take a screenshot.

"That's adorable! She's so cute... but to answer your question, I still have a few months my love" I chuckle lightly as she whines some more. "I know, I miss you too belle. I'll see you soon though!"

"Soon? How soon?" She queries.

"I'm not sure, but soon my love. I promise" I smile and blow her a kiss.

"Well then I can't wait to see you again. I love you" She says blowing me a kiss back.

"I love you more"

"I love you too Lizzie!" I hear Toms voice from behind me.

"I love you too!" Then I hear Zendaya's voice as well.

I turn around to see Tom and Zendaya walking towards me from the front door "I didn't even hear you two come in"

"I love you both too!" Lizzie laughs from the phone.

"Z wanted to come and say hi to you before she goes back to her house" He explains as they approach the couch.

"Well hi" I chuckle looking back at them.

"Hi! I should get going it's late" She bends over the couch giving me a hug.

"I'll see you at work tomorrow" I chuckle putting my hand on her arms.

"See you tomorrow" She smiles as she stands up straight. Then she turns to Tom and gives him a hug.

"I'll walk you out" He smiles softly at her.

"Thank you. Bye Lizzie!" She turns back to me as I lift my phone up showing Lizzie on my screen.

"Bye Zendaya! Hopefully we can see each other again"

"Hopefully! I'll see you guys later" She waves starting towards the door with Tom.

"Bye" Me and Lizzie say at the same time. I watch them walk out of the house then turn my attention back to Lizzie.

"Ok my love, I'll let you go back to watching tv. Scarlett just texted me and needs me to pick up Rose" She smiles softly at me.

"Oh ok belle. Give Rose a kiss on the cheek for me"

"I will, here say bye to Ivy first" She chuckles lifting the sleepy Ivy up from her lap.

"Bye my little baby! I'll see you soon" I say in a baby voice as Lizzie kisses the top of her head. "Bye belle, I love you. I love you both and miss you so much."

"We love and miss you too my love!"

"I'll see you soon"

"I can't wait" She smiles and blows a kiss at me.

"I love you" I blow a kiss back to her.

"I love you more, goodnight" She smiles before hanging up.

A minute later Tom walks back in and joins me back on the couch. "Lizzie leave?"

"Yea she had to go get Rose" I chuckle as he looks over at me. "Did you have a good time?"

"Yea, it was fun. I'm pretty tired" He stretches his arms up above his head and groans.

"I'm glad you had fun! See we don't have to hangout all the time" I laugh nudging his arm playfully.

"Yea whatever" He chuckles rolling his eyes at me.

"Oh right! Since we have next week off I was thinking we still go back to LA, we can hangout with Lizzie and Scarlett. Maybe go to the beach while it's still hot out there..." As I talk I notice Toms demeanor change. He stares nervously at his hands that rest on his lap. "What? What's wrong?"

"I don't think I'm going to come with you to LA.." He says taking me by surprise.

"What? But that was the plan. We were going to head back to LA!" I exclaim turning my body to face him.

"I know! But I think I'm just going to stay here, you know? Spend some time with me family... Zendaya's staying here too so she'd be alone if we both left..." He sighs avoiding eye contact with me.

I take a deep breath and lean back on the couch. "That makes sense.." I sigh turning my body forward again.

"I'm sorry I know we talked about going back to LA together!" He reaches forward grabbing my hand making me look over at him.

"It's fine." I get up taking my hand from his and smile. "I'm tired I'm going to head to bed."


"Maybe we can go visit your family before I go then. I'd love to see them again" I smile walking in front of him. "Goodnight Tommy" I lean forward kissing his cheek.

"Goodnight Y/n/n" He smiles softly at me as I stand up straight and then walk into my room. I get into my bed and turn YouTube on my phone until I fall asleep.

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