Part 95

567 31 4

"Lizzie? Darling?" I look around our villa we are staying at for Lizzie after I got out the shower and dressed. "Hello? Honey!" I yell standing in the middle of the room but there's complete silence in our villa. I try calling her but there's no answer. So I decide to look around outside the villa to find her. After searching for a little bit I see her in her bathing suit sitting under an umbrella reading a book by the pool. I smile seeing how cute she is being so invested in what she's reading. I walk over and sit down in the chair next to her and smirk, "Is this seat taken?"

She jumps a bit at my voice and starts turning her head slowly towards me. "Oh sorry I'm saving that for-" Our eyes meets then she quickly realizes it's me. "Y/n! I didn't even notice you walk over my love"

"I noticed silly." I stand up leaning over to her and kissing her softly. "I see you decided to go off without me. I was confused when you weren't in the room. I even called you" I laugh as she looks at me confused.

She grabs her phone clicking it on, then lets out a small gasp seeing I did indeed call her. "I'm sorry honey I didn't hear my phone go off" She looks back at me with a guilty smiling slowly forming across her lips.

"It's ok darling, it was cute finding you out here invested in your book." I smile as she stands up and joins me in my chair, sitting on my lap.

"Well I'm glad you came to join me my beautiful wife" She closes her book after making a note of what page she was on then puts it on the chair she had been sitting in. Lizzie then cups my cheeks in her hands and begins kissing me lovingly.

"Of course I did. I'm getting as much time with you as I can before we go back home in a week." I chuckle, wrapping my arms around her waist looking up at her.

"I do have a meeting when we get home. Meaning I'm either getting fired or starting on a project." She states while brushing my hair with her hand.

"I doubt you're getting fired. I'm sure it's for a new project darling." I assure her as she just giggles a bit. Then she kisses me again and lays her head on my shoulder.

"I know you're probably right" She speaks softly and grabs my hand squeezing it a bit. "I can't believe we've already been married for a week."

I smile chuckling a little and give her a small kiss on her forehead. "I know. But I can't wait to be married to you for the rest of our lives." She looks up at me, meeting my gaze then kisses me passionately.

"I can't wait either, I love you"

"I love you too." I kiss her again holding her closer to me. "I wonder how Ivy's doing. She's going to be fully grown by the time we get back"

"She's gotten so big already! She was so tiny when we found her." She lays her head back on my shoulder but keeps her eyes locked with mine.

"She was really tiny and frail. But now she's our perfect little baby. She also sure has an appetite" I joke making Lizzie laugh and nod her head in agreement. "We'll have to give her a brother or sister soon."

"Yes we could! Another little kitty to add to our family. She's be happy to have a sibling" She gets excited, now sitting fully upright again.

I shrug laughing knowing that's now what I meant. "Yea we could do that too. But I was thinking more like a human baby sibling." She looks at me surprised as I see her cheeks turn pink.

"We've been married for one week and you're already thinking about kids?" She smirks wrapping her arms around my neck while giggling.

"Hey I said soon. Not right this second" I chuckle then give her a soft kiss. "We can talk about kids another time, I was just teasing you a bit"

"We can definitely have kids. Little ones running around. But we should wait until we have a break from working first" She suggests now twirling some of my hair around her fingers.

"I agree. Especially if we have to move to a different country for a movie or project. Like I said we can talk about it when the time comes" I smirk tightening my grip around Lizzie. I stand up causing her to panic and quickly wrap her legs around my waist. Then I toss my phone onto her book next to her phone and start walking.

"What are you doing!?" She squeals holding onto me tightly.

"Going for a swim!" I laugh evilly while walking towards the pool.

"Wait but you're fully clothed!" She objects not knowing if she should get off of me or not.

"So? I have other clothes. Now.. plug your nose!" I give her a warning before jumping into the pool.

"Wait!" She yells before taking a deep breath and pinching her nose shut. We make a big splash then I quickly bring us up to the surface of the water. She gasps moving her hair out of the water while still holding onto me tightly. "You're annoying"

"You love it" I laugh as she now wipes the water gram my face.

"You know you're stronger than you look." She bites her bottom lip as I look at her offended.

"I don't know if I should be offended by that. And also you aren't that heavy, I can carry you around." I roll my eyes. I let go of her causing her to slowly land in the floor of the pool. Then she rolls her eyes and kiss me softly.

"Are you sure you're comfortable wearing normal day clothes in the pool?" She checks wrapping her arms around my neck again.

"I'm fine love don't worry about me. Next we'll have to go skinny dipping" I smirk making her giggle a little bit.

"Maybe that should be when we are at our own home." She suggests running her hands through my wet hair.

"Aw that's not as much fun" I pout as she rolls her eyes at me.

"I'd rather not be A. Kicked out of the villa and B. Not have people see me or you butt ass naked in the pool."

"Alright. That's fair. We'll wait till we are home" I laugh pulling her closer to me. I smile scanning her face for a moment before kissing her passionately before we begin a small splash war having a good time on our honeymoon.

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