Part 73

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It's been two days since everything happened, Scarlett and Rose came over today to help pack up some of Lizzie's things. Just the essentials like clothes, makeup, toothbrush and so on. Scarlett and Tom help Lizzie take things out to her car as I'm on Rose duty. She's a really sweet kid, she's just playing with Ivy now. I'm also supposed to be putting some more clothes in the box but.. "Y/n?" I feel Rose tugging on my shirt.

"Yea hon?" I look down at her as she looks back up at me.

"Are you gonna be my auntie?" She asks.

"Well I am going to marry your auntie Lizzie so I'd say yea. Would you like that?" I squat down in front of her as a smile forms on her face.

"Yea! Can I call you auntie then?" She giggles bouncing up and down excitedly.

"Of course" I chuckle picking her up quickly kissing her cheek and beginning to tickle her.

"Stop it!" She laughs kicking her feet as I keep tickling her.

"Are you almost done in here?" Scarlett walks back in to see me holding Rose while tickling her. "What's going on in here?" She chuckles as I set Rose back down on the floor.

"Just playing with Rose" I chuckle as she runs back over to Ivy.

"Not that I don't love that but you're supposed to be packing" She laughs walking over to me giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I'll do it"

"What but I can do it! I just got distracted" I object but Scarlett still pushes me aside.

"This is the last box it's fine silly. I think Lizzie wants you anyway" She chuckles shooing me away.

"Ok ok fine" I jokingly roll my eyes at her then go downstairs to find Lizzie. I find her in the kitchen staring outside at her garden. "Hey my love, Scar said you wanted me?" I query, wrapping my arms around her from behind.

"Hi, yes my love. What am I going to do about my garden?" She sighs as I follow her gaze out the window.

"Well for now.. maybe every so often come here with Scarlett or Chris, or whoever so then you can tend to your garden. Then when we find a house and move in we can transfer your garden to our new backyard" I suggest, kissing her cheek.

She turns around in my arms and grabs my face, "You'd do that? Bring my garden to the new house?"

"Of course. I love your garden, and I love you. So of course your garden will come with us to the new house" I chuckle as she wraps her arms around my neck pulling me into a hug.

"You're amazing, I love you too" She pulls back pressing her lips softly onto mine.

"I'll do anything for you belle" I lift her up off the floor a little bit kissing her again as she giggles against my lips.

"Alright enough. You two make me sick" Tom walks into the kitchen fake gagging.

"Oh shut it, you love us" I scoff setting Lizzie back down on the ground.

"Do you have to leave tomorrow?" Lizzie whines wrapping her arms around my waist now.

"Sadly yes we do. We have to go back to filming. But.." I cup her cheeks in my hands giving her a gentle kiss. "We will be back in no time! Then we can move into our new house and I can spend every day with you again"

"I can't wait for that to happen love" She pulls me closer to her kissing me softly.

"Ok I got the last box!" Scarlett yells as she walks onto the kitchen with Rose who is holding Ivy in her arms.

"Thank you Scar, let's get going then" Lizzie smiles kissing me again before letting go of me. Rose places Ivy in the living room and then we all leave off to Scarlett's house.

After getting all of Lizzie's stuff into Scarlett's guest room Scarlett sits down on the bed. "Are you sure you don't want to stay here tonight?"

"No, we'll stay at the house for tonight and then when we leave Lizzie will stay here" I explain as Lizzie leans her head on my shoulder.

"That's fine I was just making sure" She smiles as Tom lays out in the floor playing with Rose.

"We'll hangout for a little bet though" I chuckle looking over at Lizzie kissing her cheek.


Later that night I lay in bed with Lizzie and Ivy laying between our legs. Lizzie has her head on my chest as she koala cuddles me tightly. "I'm gonna miss you.."

"I'm going to miss you too darling" I sigh rubbing circles on her back. "I'll be back before you know it"

"I know, I just wish you were filming a lot closer" She whines a little.

"I know. But I know you enjoyed yourself in London, right?" I chuckle kissing her head.

"Yea you're right. I really liked walking around Richmond park" She looks up at me and kisses my chin.

"See? But I know I wish I could be here with you too" I sigh leaning down kissing her softly.

I watch as Ivy crawls up from my legs onto my chest and curls up under my chin. "I think Ivy's going to miss you too" She giggles.

"I'm gonna miss her too" I chuckle petting Ivy softly on the back.

"We both will miss you so much" Lizzie scoots up, kisses my cheek then kisses Ivy on the head.

"I'll miss you both too" I smile looking over at her. "What do you say Ivy? Are you gonna miss me?" I try looking down at her as she meows at me.

"I think that's a yes" Me and Lizzie chuckle at Ivy's response to my question.

"We got us a smart little kitty" I smile as Lizzie pulls me closer to her.

"Yes we do" She closes her eyes hums happily nuzzling her face into my neck.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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