Part 16

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Lizzie's POV:
It's been two days since Y/n's mom and sister came to see her. She's still in a coma, I've been waiting here with her. I don't want her to be alone, I definitely don't want her to wake up alone. So I've been staying in here, I barely ever leave unless her family and Tom needs some alone time. Tom has been nicer to me, he's slowly starting to forgive me. Which makes me happy, I don't want him to be mad at me anymore. "Oh, Lizzie! Hi sweetheart" Y/n's moms voice brings me back from my thoughts.

"Hi, good morning" I stand up smiling, I've been feeling nervous around her mom I don't know why.

"You didn't have to stand up silly, but since you're up come here" She chuckles opening her arms to hug me. I walk over to her giving her a big hug. "You must really like my little girl huh? You haven't left her side"

"I do really like her.. I want to tell her that so bad. I feel like it's my fault that she's in here..." I look over at Y/n's unmoving face.

"It's not your fault Lizzie, I want you to know we don't blame you. No one does and I'm sure Y/n won't either." Her mom grabs my hands making me look over at her. "Don't beat yourself up ok? I don't think Y/n would like it if she knew you were beating yourself up."

"You're probably right.. that definitely sounds like her.." I sigh looking down at me feet.

"Let's go sit down. Ava and Tom should be up in a few minutes." Her mom smiles moving us over to the chairs by Y/n's bed. "I know Y/n likes you, she never stopped talking about the beautiful girl who let her live with her."

"Really?" I query looking up at her.

"Definitely! Always talking about you, and you were her favorite Avenger long before she met you" Her mom laughs a little looking at Y/n. Then her moms phone starts going off, "Hm? It's Ava" She answers and puts the phone up to her ear, I try not to listen and just look over at Y/n until she's off the phone. "Lizzie I guess they need help downstairs so I'll be right back with them"

"Ok sounds good" I smile as she gets up putting her hand on my shoulder then leaves. I scoot closer to Y/n's bed grabbing her hand softly. "Y/n.. i miss you.." I kiss her hand softly and lay my head on the bed. A few seconds later I feel her hand twitch causing me to shoot up and look at her face. "Y/n??" I kiss her hand again and again her hand twitches. "Y/n? Are you awake?" I reach forward touching her cheek softly.

Y/N's POV:
I start hearing a voice I can't make out who's voice it is. Then I feel lips touch the back of my hand, so I try moving my hand. I hear the voice again then lips on my hand again. Then I hear "Y/n? Are you awake?" Is that.. Lizzie?? I open my eyes feeling her hand on my cheek. "L-Lizzie? What are you.." I look around noticing I'm in a hospital room, I look at Lizzie who's starting crying covering her mouth. She looks tired. "How long have I been in here? Lizzie?" Suddenly Lizzie's cups my face in her hands and smashes her lips onto mine. I instinctively grab her waist as she climbs onto the bed. "Whoa ok" I breathe against her lips as she rests her forehead against mine. "Lizzie talk to me. Not that I didn't very much enjoy that kiss but I'm confused.."

Lizzie takes a deep breathe sitting back on the bed, "You've been in here for about 4 days. I've felt so bad this is my fault.. I was so scared I'd loose you.. I stayed in here every night since and haven't left.." She begins crying again. "You're mom and sister are here too.. they'll be up in a minute.." she slips that last bit in before a sob escapes her lips.

"First of all its not your fault, it's mine. I shoulda looked where I was going. Second my family's here? And third you've been in here everyday? Why?" I query wiping the tears from her cheeks softly with my thumbs.

"Because.. I've realized... I'm falling in love with you.." She says cupping my face in her hands.

"Wh-What?" All I do is stare at her wide eyed. Did she just say what I think she just said?

"I love you..." She says quietly looking at me smiling. I find myself grabbing her waist pulling her closer and kissing her passionately. She wraps her arms around my neck deepening the kiss slowly inching onto my lap.

Suddenly the door swings open, "Y/n! What the hells going on in here!?"

My eyes widen as my head snaps towards the door, "Flo!? What the hell are you doing here!?"

"Who's this?" Lizzie whispers looking from Florence to me.

"This is my ex girlfriend Florence.. she's the one Tom was talking about a few weeks ago." I explain to Lizzie then look back over at Flo. "What are you doing here??"

"I heard you were in the hospital! I didn't find out until yesterday and immediately flew out here! And I find you here making out with her!?" She yells pointing at Lizzie who I've noticed is shrinking back on the bed.

"Hey stop yelling can you like chill out for a minute?" I shake my head as I see her get visibly more annoyed.

"I can't believe I come and find you making out with another girl in here!" She yells angrily.

"Why do you care? You dumped me Flo." I sigh crossing my arms.

"Well learning you were in the hospital made me realize I made a mistake!" She looks over at Lizzie, "You shouldn't be making out with her! She just woke up didn't she!? I was told she was in a coma! What the hell!? Wait you're the one who made Y/n upset!"

"Wow hey can you fucking chill? How'd you know I was upset?" I grab Lizzies hand feeling her tensing to next to me.

"Tom told a mutual friend and they told me!"

"Tom you idiot.." I shake my head sighing.

"It's your fault this happened isn't it!? How can Y/n even stand to be next to you?? Are you just forcing yourself on her?? What if she didn't want you to kiss her??" Im about to yell at her when I hear Lizzie's breathe start to quicken.

As I look back at her she quickly gets off the bed covering her mouth and runs out of the room crying. "Lizzie wait!!"

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