Part 91

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I wake up in the morning hearing groaning coming from a different room. "Lizzie?" I turn on my side with my eyes still closed and go to wrap my arms around. But when I feel her side of the bed, it's empty. I open my eyes and look around the room, "belle?" I hear groaning again coming from the bathroom. So I get up and walk into the bathroom to see Lizzie on the ground hunched over the toilet. "Lizzie? What's wrong??" I hurry over to her as she pukes into the toilet.

"I've been throwing up the past.... Hour" She says almost throwing up between words.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I place the back of my hand on her forehead, "Shit you're burning up belle. Let's take your temperature and I'll go get you water"

"Ok..." She groans practically hugging onto our toilet. I grab the thermometer and hand it to her then run downstairs to get her a glass of water.

I run back up and kneel on the floor next to her hanging her the water. "What does it say?"

"I have a fever of 100.1..." She reaches up setting the thermometer down on the counter then takes a small sip of water.

"You must have a bug. Here let's go lay you back down love" I get back on my feet but squat back down to help her up.

"No I... I still feel like I need to throw up.." She whines shying away from me.

"We can bring the trash can in our room or a pot. You need to go lay down and rest. I'm not going anywhere today I'm taking care of you. Come on my love" I hold her arm as she whines but complies and stands up on her feet.

I lead her back to the bed. She sets her cup down on the nightstand and she crawls onto it immediately laying down. "Don't you have plans with Scarlett and Rose today?"

"I'll change them to tomorrow, they'll understand. I need to stay with you today" I grab the sheets and lay them on her. "Want me to make you something small to eat? Maybe some toast with peanut better?"

"I'm not hungry" She whines curling up under the covers.

"I know belle but you need to eat at least a little bit. You don't have to eat all of if ok?" I sit down on the edge of the bed, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Ok... fine" She mumbles under her breath making me chuckle.

"I'll be right back. Here turn on the tv and try getting your mind off your stomach hurting." I set the remote next to her then kiss her forehead and go downstairs. I make toast, put some peanut butter on it and hurry back upstairs.

"I think I'm going to puke..." Lizzie says now sitting up in bed covering her mouth.

"Oh shit the trash can! Here" I put the toast down next to her water then run into the bathroom to grab the trash can.

"That's full of trash..." She shakes her head holding her other hand out stopping me.

"Well yea. Darling just puke you in the trash, I'll take it out and dump it. Then bring it back with a new little bag in it." I chuckle moving her hand away and setting the trash can on her lap. She scrunches her face in disgust, "Babe it's like, two wrappers and three of your pads. Just throw up. Here" I climb over her legs to sit next to her chuckling lightly. I grab her hair holding it back, getting it all out of her face. She goes to object but quickly sticks her face in the trash can and pukes. "There you go. It's ok" I rub her back with my other hand softly.

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes, "I don't want to be sick I hate this"

"I know belle, If I could I'd take your sickness and give it to myself instead. Don't cry ok? I'll take good care of you today." She sniffles a little and nods handing me the trash can. "I'll be right back. I love you"

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