Part 64

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Y/n's POV:

"Baby" I hear as nibbling on my earlobe wakes me up.

"Lizzie, belle, what time is it?" I groan looking over at her to see her smiling back at me.

"Time for you to get up and head to work. So I'm giving you a nice wake up call" She chuckles kissing my chin.

"Well thank you I appreciate it. But why are you awake before I am?" I laugh turning on my side to face her fully.

"You slept through your alarm silly" She presses her finger in the middle of my forehead laughing.

"Oh I'm sorry babe I didn't mean to wake you up" I lean forward kissing her gently.

"It's ok my love. I'll take a nap while you're gone. I'm also going to go shopping for the two of you" She smiles placing her hand on my cheek lightly and kisses me again.

"That's sweet of you my love"

"You'd should get up before you're late baby" She chuckles grabbing my chin and then kissing me.

"Ok fine" I groan rolling over and getting out of bed. "I have an early day today. Maybe we can go for a walk when we get home" I smile taking off my bottoms and slipping on some shorts.

"That sounds lovely babe. Where do you want to have our little walk?" I watch her sit up in bed as I take my shirt off.

"I was thinking we take a walk through Richmond park" I grab my bra putting it on them slip on a shirt.

"Oh I hear that's a beautiful place to visit!" She smiles opening her arms for me.

"It's very beautiful" I walk over grabbing her face and kissing her softly. "That's why I want to take you there"

"Then I look forward to going when you get home" She grabs onto my shirt pulling me closer to the bed.

"I love you, I'll see you when I get home" She smiles against my lips and kisses me again.

"I love you too, I'll see you later" I tuck her hair behind her ear giving her one more kiss. I go to open the door when it opens for me revealing Tom. "I'm coming"

"Oh I know. I heard you talking to Lizzie so I wanted to say bye to her" He chuckles peaking behind me to look at Lizzie. "Bye Lizzie, we'll be back soon"

"Bye you two, see you when you get home" Lizzie smiles waving to us both. I blow her a kiss before leaving the room with Tom to head to work.

A few hours pass, it's now 5 in the evening and we are on our way back to the house. I notice a car outside our house as we pull into the driveway. "Now who's car is that?" I query.

"I'm not sure, I guess we will find out" He shrugs unbuckling his seatbelt.

We get out of the car and head inside when I hear Lizzie laughing. "Honey we're back!"

"Hey you two! Look who's here" She smiles as we walk further into the house to see Ava.

"Ava!? What are you doing here!?"

"Y/n!" She runs over hugging me tightly. "Get in here Tom" She grabs him pulling him into our hug.

"Ava I love you, why are you here though?" I chuckle pulling back from the hug.

"I wanted to see you and Tom! I know it hasn't been that long but I missed you" She smiles tapping her foot.

"I missed you too" I smile pulling her back into a hug. "Uh I'm taking Lizzie to Richmond park for a little walk"

"That's ok, I'll hangout with Tom. Not like I haven't done that before" She laughs stepping back as Lizzie walks over to us.

"We will be back soon" I kiss Ava's cheek then kiss Toms cheek. "Stay out of trouble you two"

"Shouldn't we be saying that to you? We're older than you" Ava laughs as I take Lizzies hand in mine.

"Hey he's only older than me by a month" I roll my eyes at Ava.

"Ok ok just go you two" Tom laughs hugging Lizzie.

"We'll be back" I blow them a kiss then walk out of the house with Lizzie. "Ok so we can-" Before I can finish Lizzie pulls me into her and kisses me passionately. "Well hi to you too"

"I didn't get a hello kiss so" She smirks as I wrap my arms around her waist.

"I'm sorry my love" I lift her off the ground kissing her as she giggles against my lips. "Ready to go belle?"

"Of course" She smiles as I set her back down on the ground. I take her hand in mine and walk over to my car with her. We drive off to Richmond and arrive at Richmond park after a short drive.

"Wait stay" I take my seatbelt off, get out of the car and run over opening Lizzie's door.

"So sweet baby" She giggles kissing me softly. She gets out grabbing my hand and we begin to walk around the park. "Wow it's so beautiful here"

 "Wow it's so beautiful here"

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"I'm glad you think so. When I was younger I used to walk through here a lot" I smile watching her look around as we walk down the path. She looks over at me biting at her bottom lip nervously, like she wants to ask me something. I scan her face for a few moments then chuckle kissing her cheek. "If you're wondering, no I've never brought a boyfriend or girlfriend here. Only you Olsen" She smiles wrapping her arms around my forearm and kisses my cheek.

"I'm glad I'm the only one you've brought here" She leans her head on my shoulder as we continue our walk through the park.

"Well I've brought Tom and his brothers here" I chuckle as she looks up at me and rolls her eyes.

"You know what I meant" She chuckles and looks forward again.

"I know darling" I smile looking down at her.

"Speaking of Tom. We should set him and Zendaya up on a date tomorrow night" She says looking back up at me.

"How exactly do we do that? I don't know if Tom will go willingly. Only because I'm sure he'll deny any feelings for Z" I explain as she pulls me over to a bench just in front of us and sits us down.

"What if we go to a movie and invite Tom and Zendaya, but then I can say I don't feel good. Then you can stay with me leaving them on a date" Lizzie explains with a mischievous smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

"That's a great idea! I love you" I chuckle grabbing her face kissing her lovingly.

"I love you too! Now let's keep walking" She giggles kissing me again. Then she gets up pulling me up with her and we continue to walk along the path.

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