Part 100 -Final Part

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(5 Years Later)

"Liam! Buddy we have to get ready for the dinner party!" I yell standing in the middle of Liam's room holding his day clothes in one hand. "Liam Chase!"

"Is he hiding from you honey?" Lizzie walks in with a small smirk across her lips.

"Yes, he was just here and now he's disappeared." sigh as she walks over kissing my cheek. "Do you know where he went?"

"I'm sure he's still in here somewhere." She chuckles and points over to his closet that's cracked open. "He's playing hide and seek, so go seek."

"Alright Liam, I'm coming to find you little munchkin." I hand Lizzie his clothes then decide to play along. I begin to walk towards his bed and say, "Maybe he's under... here!" I look under the bed but it's empty. That's when I hear a little giggle coming from the closet where she had pointed. "Hm now where could he be." I put my hands in my hips looking around the room. Then I slowly walk over to the closet, hearing a little gasp coming from inside. "I wonder... if he's in here!" I open the closet to which little 5 year old Liam screams in surprise. "I found you!" I grab him and pull into a bear hug before starting to tickle him.

"Ah! Mommy stop it!" He laughs while kicking his feet trying to get free.

"Are you going to get dressed bub?" I ask still tickling him.

"Yes! I will!" He huffs pushing away from me.

"Ok I'll stop" I chuckle kissing his cheek then standing up. "Mama has your clothes"

He quickly runs over to Lizzie and grabs the clothes from her. "Here let me help sweetie" She bends over to help him but he swats her hand away.

"No I can do it myself mama. I'm a big kid." He smiles before running over to his bed to change.

"Alright mister big kid" She chuckles a little as I walk over to her.

"You sure you're feeling up to going to dinner darling?" I check, feeling her forehead to see if it's hot.

"I'm fine my love, I can sit through a dinner just fine." She smiles grabbing hold of my face with her hands. "I don't feel nauseous anymore anyways"

"Hopefully our little girl won't make you throw up your dinner again tonight." I joke now holding her pregnant belly in my hands.

"I'm sure she won't silly" She giggles resting her hands on mine.

Then Liam comes running over in the clothes I picked out for him. "I can't wait to meet sissy! How much longer do I have to wait mommy?" He crosses his arms and makes Lizzie's same pouty face.

"Come here you" I pick him up kissing his forehead as he giggles. "We still have to wait one more month until we get to meet sissy"

"One whole month!? Aw man" He sticks his bottom lip out in a pout once again making me and Lizzie laugh.

"I know you're excited. We are too, but this month will go by fast. I promise" I brush my hand through his messy hair as he whines about me touching his hair.

"Alright you two, are you ready to go?" Lizzie asks with her hands on her hips.

"Yep I'm all ready" I say with a smile.

"Me too!" Liam exclaims before hugging onto me. "Why are we seeing uncle Tommy and auntie Zendaya again?" He asks as we begin walking downstairs.

"Well it's their one year wedding anniversary. So we are going out to celebrate with them" I explain to him while we walk out of the house.

"Oh ok! I'm excited to see them." He giggles as I put him in his car seat.

"They're excited to see you too bub" Lizzie leans in the car kissing his cheek.

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