Part 12

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Lizzie's POV:
It's been a few hours now, Scarlett sits with me as I cry into my hands. Tom has been pacing back and forth for what seems like an hour. He doesn't look at me now, he just keeps pacing and pacing. I feel drained from crying for the past few hours, I've finally stopped. Now I'm just leaning on Scarlett who's rubbing my back softly while resting her head onto mine. "I'm exhausted..." I sigh closing my eyes.

"I know Liz.. I know." She kisses the top of my head to try and comfort me. "Why don't you take a nap?"

"Because.. I don't think I'll be able too. I'd rather just stay awake.." I sigh rubbing my swollen eyes.

"Lizzie.." I hear the worry in her voice.

"I don't want to sleep. I want to see Y/n" I feel more tear start welling in my eyes. "Goddamn it"

"Hey it's ok, I know you want to see her. We all do. But I think you should just close your eyes, try and relax. Even if you can't fall asleep." Scarlett suggests. Ugh I hate that she's right, I should try.

"Fine. But I don't think I'll be able to." I take a deep breathe closing my eyes as Scarlett chuckles softly.

After what seems like forever I start getting antsy. I start tapping my foot on the ground keeping my eyes closed. "Liz I thought I told you to sleep not tap" Scarlett laughs.

"I can't relax I'm too worried about her.." I sit up taking a sharp inhale trying not to start crying again. "I just want her to be ok.."

"We all do.. have you called her mom and sister?" Scarlett checks.

"I did.. they're on their way now. They should be here tomorrow." I sigh wiping the few tears that escaped my eyes.

"That's good" She look over at me and smiles softly, "Come here" She opens her arms to give me a hug. So I lean over resting my head back on her shoulder.

Scarlett sighs and starts to rub my arm softly, meanwhile Tom finally stops pacing. I watch as he starts biting at his thumb nail now. I wanna say something to him, try and help, but I know he'll just turn me down. I should say something.. I sigh looking back down at my hands. I decide to say something to him when a voice comes from the other side of the room. "Hello are you three here about miss Y/l/n?" I look up to see the doctor standing in front of us.

"Yes! What happened? Is she ok??" Me and Scarlett get up and walk towards the doctor with Tom following after.

"Is my best friend ok??" Tom asks eagerly.

I watch as the doctors face softens and he takes a deep breathe. "I'm sorry.. we did everything we could but.. she didn't make it.." I feel my heart drop.

"No no no! She can't be dead!" Tom yells.

"Tom I'm sorry-" I go to hug him but he puts his arms up stepping away from me.

"No don't touch me!" He growls as tears start pouring down his cheeks.


"Tom calm down" Scarlett grabs Tom pulling him into a hug as he continues sobbing.

"I'm sorry.. we really tried saving her.. but it was too late.." The doctor says quietly staring at the floor.

I shake my head in disbelief. "No.. she can't really be gone. She can't!" I put my hands in my face beginning to cry hysterically. I fall to my knees, "Y/n no.. I'm sorry I'm so sorry.."

"It's her fault!" I hear Tom exclaim.

"Tom stop it you know that's not true" Scarlett says softly, I can hear her voice start trembling.

"What? If she hadn't let Robbie kiss her then Y/n wouldn't have fought with her and ran out!" I look over to see Tom pushing away from Scarlett.

"Tom I'm sorry! I didn't want this to happen." I cry as Scarlett still tries to calm him down.

"I told you I'd never forgive you! I wish she never started catching feelings for you! I wish you never invited her to stay with you! She'd still be here-" Before he can continue Scarlett covers his mouth shutting him up.

"Tom stop it this isn't helping! You're making a scene. Just take a seat." I watch Tom glare at me then walk back to the chairs. I feel my legs become weak as I begin crying again. I fall to my knees sobbing uncontrollably into my hands. "Lizzie" Scarlett comes over to me tacking me into a hug.

"Y/n.. no. She can't really be gone.. she can't!." I cry latching onto Scarlett's shirt.

Suddenly she starts shaking me, "Lizzie! Lizzie! Wake up! Lizzie! Lizzie!"

I open my eyes sitting up in a panic breathing heavily. I look around to see Tom now looking over at me stopping his pacing. "What.. what happened? Where's Y/n??"

"Hey hey calm down Liz! She's still in surgery. You fell asleep" She puts her hand on my chest, "You're hearts beating so fast, what were you dreaming about?"

"So.. The doctor didn't come out and say Y/n died?" I check looking from Tom to Scarlett.

"What? No. Is that what you dreamt about?" Scarlett asks wiping my cheeks with her sleeve.

"Yes it.. it was so real! I didn't even realize I fell asleep" I rub my hands on my face trying to steady my heartbeat.

"I saw you crying so I started shaking you awake" She puts her hand in my back slowly rubbing circles on my back.

"Thank you for waking me up Scar.." I reach over bringing her into a hug.

"She'll be ok... I know she will.." Scarlett whispers hugging me tightly. I look over at Tom who's started pacing once again. "Tom you should sit down"

"No I'm ok. Thanks." He sighs keeping his eyes on the floor.

"Hi, are you three here for Miss Y/l/n?" The doctor walks onto the room causing us all to look over at him. My heart stops remembering the dream I just had. Please please let her be ok. Please.

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