Part 43

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I get back in my trailer after shooting scenes for a few hours. It's finally lunchtime, so I decided to eat in my trailer. A few minutes after I sat down and started eating, I get a call from Lizzie. "Hey belle!"

"Hey my love, how's your first day of filming going?"

"It's good, still got a few hours before we can go home though"

"I can't wait for you to come home. Just let me know when you're almost done for the day!" I hear her giggle softly.

"Oh? Ok belle but can I ask why?"

"I want to make you your favorite for dinner my love!"

I put my hand over my heart and smile, "You're too good to me babe!"

"Only the best for my lovely girlfriend!"

"I can't wait to come home and spend time with you belle" I smile softly thinking about spending time with her. But then I start feeling sad knowing I'll have to leave her soon.

"Babe? Are you ok? You're awfully quiet.."

"Huh? Oh yea I'm fine! Just got lost in thought" Just then Tom walks into my trailer unannounced. "Hey have you ever heard of knocking!?"

"Who are.. Are you yelling at Tom?" Lizzie queries from the other side of the phone.

"No need to be so hostile Y/n" He puts his hands up in defense while snickering at me.

"Yes I am and yes I do Tom. What if I was changing or something?" I roll my eyes at Tom as he wiggles his eyebrows at me. "I hate you Tommy"

"Yea yea, you know you say that alot" He chuckles then motions towards the door, "We gotta be back on set"

"Oh ok, I'll be there in a sec. Let me say bye to Lizzie" I say starting to shoo him away.

"Ok. Bye Lizzie!" He yells before bounding away, out of my trailer.

"That's my cue to go. I'll see you in a few hours belle"

"Aw ok my love, have a good rest of your day! I love you, bye!"

"I love you too, bye babe!" With that I hang up and head back onto set.


Finally the work day is over and I can go home to see my amazing girlfriend! Still can't believe she's my girlfriend. I pull up into our driveway, hurry out of my car and bound happily up to the front door. I burst into the house and yell, " Honey! I'm home!"

"Hi baby! Welcome home" Lizzie runs out of the kitchen and throws her arms around my neck planting a big kiss on my lips. "How was your day at work?"

"It was good, we got a good amount done. But I'm glad I'm home now with you" I wrap my arms securely around her waist, lifting her up off the ground kissing her. She giggles against my lips as I set her back down on the floor.

"That's good, I'm glad your home too. Actually you're just in time, I just finished making dinner" She pecks my lips before grabbing my hand and leading me into the kitchen where my nose is immediately met with the smell of Lizzie's amazing cooking.

"Mmm that smells as amazing as always belle" I give her a kiss on the cheek as she hands me a plate.

"Thank you my love, now let's eat! I'm starving!" We both laugh a little while getting our food prepared on our plates then we sit down and eat this amazingly delicious dinner.


After dinner me and Lizzie decided to lay down on the couch, cuddling. This is nice.. I'm really gonna miss this.. I'm gonna miss her. I kiss the top of her head prompting her to look up at me with a smile. "Are you ok?"

"Yea.. I'm just really gonna miss you when I leave to England" I sigh as she nuzzles her face into my chest. "

"I'm gonna miss you too. Good thing I still have you all to myself for over two weeks!" She giggles happily squeezing me tightly.

She scoots up on my chest planting a soft kiss on my lips. I pull her into a passionate kiss, starting to roll us onto our sides when my phone goes off. "Ugh why does someone always have to interrupt us?"

I groan reaching over to grab my phone, "Who is it my love?"

"It's my mom, hold on" I sit up making Lizzie groan. "Oh sorry belle were you comfy on me?"

"Just answer the phone" She huffs.

I laugh pressing answer on my screen. "Hey mom!"

"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?"

"Great actually"

"That's good sweetheart! I'm glad to hear it"

"Is everything ok?" I check, I then watch as Lizzie lays her head down on my lap.

"Everything is fine. I just wanted to call and check on you! And to also tell you that me and your sister are coming down in a few days to visit you before you head off to England!"

"Really? That's great mom! I can't wait to see you both!"

"We can't wait to see you either! Oh and Lizzie of course!"

"I'll let her know, I know she'll be excited to see you both too"

"Ok sweetheart, oh I have to go. See you soon babygirl, love you!"

"Bye mom love you too! See you in a few days" With that my mom hangs up and Lizzie sits up from my lap tilting her head to the side.

"So what's happening?" She queries as I open my arms for her to cuddle with me.

"Well my mom and sister are coming down to visit for a few days" I smile laying back bringing Lizzie back with me.

"Oh that's great! I'll have to clean around some" She hums as I look around the room.

"You're a goofball, the house is already pretty clean babe! There's only two of us" I laugh as she looks up at me and rolls her eyes.

"There's still dust you know!" She exclaims climbing ontop of me.

"What are you doing??" I quirk an eyebrow at her as I see a smirk forms across her lips. I watch her lift her hands up, oh I know what she's doing. "If you tickle me I swear!" before I could finish she grabs onto my sides beginning to tickle me. "S-Stop it!" I try pushing her hands away but am very unsuccessful. "Lizzie!" I laugh kicking my feet up, I need to get her off me before. Then it happens, I freaking snort!

Lizzie stops tickling me as I bring my hands up to my mouth covering it. "Did you just snort!?"


"You snorted!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I huff trying to wiggle myself out from under her.

"You snorted babe" She giggles as I manage to get out from underneath her. I roll my eyes and get up from the couch. "It was cute!"

"No it's not cute" I start walking towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

"Up to our room" I say continuing up the stairs.

"Aw come on baby! It was cute! I swear!" She yells after me then laughs.

I walk into our room and change into comfier clothes. A few minutes pass and I hear the door open, "Babe I told you-" I turn around to be met with Lizzie tackling me back onto the bed. "Babe!"

"Cuddle time!"

"So you tackle me??" I laugh as she climbs off of me and nods. "Ok dork come on" I climb up further on the bed and open my arms. She immediately jumps on the bed again and into my arms.

"I love you Y/n"

"I love you too Lizzie"

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