Part 24

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Y/N's POV:
As we wait for Tom to get to Lizzie's house the next morning I stand there biting my thumbnail nervously. Lizzie is talking to my mom and sister but I'm thinking about tonight too much to be involved in their conversation. I want to take her out to eat for our date but I don't want her to have to deal with me and my crutches. What's fun about staying home and having a date? I meant I guess the backyard if I just-

"Y/n!" My thoughts are interrupted by Ava yelling my name and waving her hand in front of my face.

"What!? Why do you have to be so obnoxious" I whine, Ava rolls her eyes at me as Lizzie giggles kissing my cheek.

"We've been trying to get your attention for a few minutes love" Lizzie smiles tilting her head slightly.

"Oh sorry, I was deep in thought. What's up?" I query noticing my mom had stepped away.

"Toms here!" My mom walks over holding onto Toms arm as he smiles shyly.

"That's why" Ava laughs and walks over to Tom hugging him. While she does that I decided to text Scarlett.

Scarlett! Do you think you can hangout with Lizzie today and keep her busy?

I look back up to see them chatting with Tom I go to chime in but my phone goes off.

Y/n! Sure, what's the occasion?

I asked her out on a date tonight so I'm gonna decorate the backyard. Have a cute little date out there

Aw! I'll happily help out and hangout with her for the day! I'll text her now

Thank you! ❤️

Not a problem!❤️

"Hey who's sending you hearts?" Lizzie queries as I click off my phone.

"Oh heh it was Scar, I sent her one and she sent one back" I smile as my mom walks over to me.

"We have to get going, I'm gonna miss my baby girl so much!" She whines wrapping me up into a hug.

I lean my left crutch on my side hugging my mom, "I'm gonna miss you too! Next time I'll come visit you ok? I'll make sure to bring Lizzie too" I laugh as she lets go and grabs my face smiling.

"The next time I see you she better be your girlfriend young lady" She gives me a strewn look making me chuckle.

"She will be I promise"

"Good" She kisses my cheek then goes to hug Lizzie.

"I'll miss you Ava" I smile holding my left arm out for a hug.

"I guess I'll miss you too." She rolls her eyes and then smiles walking over to me. She hugs me tightly sighing, "Watch where you're going from here on out alright?"

"Yea yea I know. I got it" I roll my eyes as she laughs. Ava let's go of me and hugs Lizzie, then Lizzie and Tom stand on both sides of me. We watch my mom and Ava get into their rental car, we wave to them as they start to drive away.

"Hey love Scar texted me and asked if I wanted to hangout but we have our-" Lizzie starts but I cut her off with a quick little kiss.

"You can go hangout with her belle, we aren't having our date until later" So then I can set up the backyard. Oh that's gonna be hard with my hand and leg.. Oh, Tom! "Tom can stay and keep me company for awhile. So then you don't have to worry about me being alone"

"You're the best" She grabs my face smiling and then plants a soft kiss on my lips.

"Alright if I watch this anymore I might puke" Tom chimes making a disgusted look.

I roll my eyes at him, "Then go inside and grab Lizzie her bag real quick for her while I say bye to her." He goes to object but I interrupt him, "Unless you wanna watch us kiss again"

"Ugh, I'll pass" He groans walking into the house.

"I'll be back in a few hours" Lizzie smiles giving me little Eskimo kisses.

"Ok belle, I'll see you tonight for our date" I smile as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"I can't wait" She brings me closer to her kissing me passionately. She begins giving me multiple kisses on the lips making me chuckle.

"Not that I'm not enjoying this belle, but Toms gonna be out here any second. And I don't wanna make him uncomfortable" I let out a laugh as she groans and starts pouting.

"Fine you're right, we don't want to make him uncomfortable" She kisses me one more time before letting go of me.

As if right on queue Tom opens the door to the house and walks out with Lizzie's purse. "Here you go Liz" He smiles at her hand her the purse.

"Thank you Tom! I'll see you both later then" She hugs Tom then gives me a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

"So what are we doing today?" Tom turns to me easing his eyebrow curiously. I turn to him with a big smile on my face causing him to furrow his brows at me. "What's that look for?"

"Will you help me set up the backyard for my date with Lizzie? Please?" I stick out my bottom lip and give him big puppy dog eyes.

"Seriously?" He whines running his hand through his hair.

"Please Tommy! Then we can hangout after we finish! Please, I can't do it by myself with this cast on!" I plea grabbing onto his hands.

"Ok ok fine. You're lucky you're my best friend. Come on" He sighs walking to the door and opening it for me.

"Thank you!" I rest my crutches on my sides pulling Tom into a hug.

"You're welcome. I can't believe I'm about to help you with this" He chuckles as I let go of him and fix my crutches.

"I love you?" I giggle as he rolls his eyes.

"I love you too now let's get started"

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