Part 19

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I stand awkwardly in the kitchen with Tom while my mom and Ava talk with Lizzie in the living room. I'm debating asking him about him being mad at Lizzie and what happened. They seem fine now but I'm still curious. Fuck it I'm gonna ask, "Tom? Why were you mad at Lizzie before?"

"Where'd that come from?" He chuckles nervously turning around to face me.

"I asked Lizzie if you were ok and she said you were mad at her but now you two are cool." I explain watching him get more nervous.

"I... blamed her for your accident.." He admits looking down at the floor.

"Tom" I run my hand through my hair groaning. "What did you do?"

"Nothing!" I glare at him, I know he's lying. "Ok ok! I... told her if you died I wouldn't ever forgive her..."


"I'm sorry! She also knows I have feelings for you.. but we made up I promise! We're good now" He tries avoiding eye contact with me looking all around the kitchen.

"You're a mess Tom. Please tell me you apologized to her for saying that." I sigh watching his eyes widen. "Tom!" I slap his arm making him grab his arm.

"I'll tell her later! Not now, I'm pretty sure your mom is showing Lizzie baby pictures of you." He holds his breathe as now my eyes widen.

I run out of the kitchen with Tom close behind and sure enough Lizzie and my mom are sat on the couch with a baby picture book. "Mom! You brought them??"

"There you are, yes of course I did! Come sit" She reaches over Lizzie's legs patting the couch next to her. I groan trudging over to the couch taking a seat next to Lizzie. "You sit too Tom, you're in here as well!"

"Me?? It's that book? Aw man" He sighs walking over and sitting next to my mom. Then Ava walks over and sits next to me chuckling.

"What?" I query.

"Nothing" She raises her eyebrows then points at the book.

It's a picture of me in the bathtub when I was like 4 with a bubble beard and bubbles on my head. "Aw you really were a cute kid Y/n!" Lizzie squishes my cheeks kissing my nose.

"Oh gosh" I lean back covering my face with my hands.

"It's cute! Aw look at you" Lizzie wraps her arms around me and starts pulling me closer to her.

I move my hands away and look at the picture book again. I see my dad tossing me in the air when I was like 2 and I have the biggest smile on my face. "See now that's a cute picture. I like that picture" I smile and look over at Lizzie who's biting her bottom lip smiling back at me. "What?"

"Nothing. I like that picture too, it's a lovely picture of you and your dad" She smiles and kisses my cheek making my mom awe.

"You two are cute" My mom chimes in smiling. "Aw look here's one of you and Tom!"

I look and sure enough there's me and Tom holding hands ready for school. "We were so little there!"

"Look the next one is us sitting in a tree" Tom points out to the picture next to the school one. "Is that the day you climbed too high?"

"That was a fun story" Lizzie laughs.

"Wait you know that story??" I look at her confused.

"Yea, your mom and Tom told me the other day" She giggles as I look over at Tom and my mom. "Tom had to come save you"

"I coulda gotten down by myself" I object.

"No you couldn't have!" Tom reaches over kicking my foot laughing.

"Whatever" I scoff crossing my arms leaning back in the couch as they all laugh.


Later that night my mom and Ava left after looking at a lot of pictures and dinner. Tom is now getting ready to leave but I stand at the front door waiting for him. "What?" He gives me a confused look, all I do is point at Lizzie who is cleaning up the living room a little bit. "Now?"

"Yes now" I roll my eyes at him.

He takes a deep breathe and walks over to Lizzie, "Lizzie.."

"Tom" She smiles at him tilting her head to the side confused.

"I want to say I'm sorry for what I said the day of the accident. When I said if she died I'd never forgive you.. I shouldn't have said that I was just really mad and upset. It's not your fault she got in the accident so I'm really truly sorry." He starts playing with the edge of his jacket as Lizzie sets down the cups she had in her hand.

"It's ok Tom, I'm not mad at you. I understand you were mad and upset, but I was never mad that you said that." She puts her hands on his shoulder smiling.

"So.. we're still good?" He queries.

"Yes we are still good! Come here let's hug it out" She laughs opening her arms to hug him. He chuckles and gives her a big hug.

"Alright I should go home now, I'll check on you tomorrow Y/n" Tom walks over to me giving me a hug bye.

"See you tomorrow" I chuckle patting his back lightly.

"Bye!" He waves to Lizzie and me then walks out of the house. I watch him walk to his car and start it so I close the front door.

I turn to see Lizzie walking into the kitchen, i crutch my way into the kitchen seeing her putting the cups away. "Lizzie, can we go upstairs and cuddle?" I stick my bottom lip out giving her puppy dog eyes.

"Of course silly" She laughs walking over and grabbing my face giving me a kiss. "Why don't you make your way upstairs and I'll meet you up there in a minute"

"By the time you're done I'll be halfway up the stairs" I joke as she rolls her eyes.

"You'll be fine, if you need help though I'll help you" She giggles kissing me again.

"I appreciate it belle"

"Belle?" She looks at me confused.

"Yes belle, because you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" I smile grabbing her chin softly bringing her in for a gentle kiss.

"Aren't you a sweet talker?" She wraps her arms around my neck kissing me again. "I think you're the most beautiful girl in the world"

"Hm but you're way more beautiful" I wrap one arm around her waist pulling her closer. "I'll be upstairs" I give her a kiss then let go of her and make my way upstairs. I change into more comfy clothes and go into her room where I find her changing. "Wow"

I see her jump a little and spin around "Jeez you scared me!"

"Sorry" I laugh leaning my crutches on the wall then limp my way over to the bed. I lay down and open my arms, "Come here belle"

Lizzie hops happily onto the bed, she crawls over and lays her head on my chest. I pull her closer kissing her head, "I've missed this.."

"I've missed you" She wraps her arms around my waist nuzzling her face in my neck. I can't believe how happy this woman makes me. I'm falling hard for her.

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