Part 97

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{Quick Authors note, I'm going to start doing time skips, not too big of ones. Then the last chapter will probably be a bigger one. Anyways, enjoy!}

(Some months later- Towards the end of filming WandaVision)

"Have you told her yet?" Tom asks on FaceTime while I stand in the kitchen cooking dinner for Lizzie and I for when she gets home.

"No not yet. Do I have to be in it?" I say, only half joking. I look over at my phone that's propped up on the counter by the stove.

He laughs and rolls his eyes at me through the phone, "Yes you do. Your character is kinda apart of the movie you know"

I whine stirring the pasta sauce in the pot on the stove, "I know. I just was hoping to spend time with Lizzie in London again"

"I know, maybe after the movie you can take another break and go on a little vacation" Tom suggests seeing me frowning down at the stove.

"Yea I guess I could do that" I shrug and begin pouring the strained pasta noodles into the sauce.

"You're making me hungry by the way. Now I want pasta" He groans watching me closely as I mix in the noodles and sauce making me laugh.

"Hey it's not my fault you called when I was cooking dinner." I chuckle finishing with the mixing when the front door to our house opens. "Oh Lizzie's home, I'm gonna tell her after dinner. I'll call you tomorrow ok?"

"Ok talk to you later! Bye love you"

"Love you too, bye" I smile grabbing my phone then pressing end on the call. I turn around to get Lizzie but she's already in the entryway of the kitchen smiling at me. "Hey belle, how was work?" I ask walking over to her and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Hey my love" She smiles grabbing onto my face giving me a soft kiss on the lips. "It was good, we got a lot done actually. Were you talking to someone in here?"

"That's great darling" I smile giving her a kiss back, "Oh, yea I was talking to Tom on FaceTime" I chuckle letting go over her.

"That makes more sense than you going crazy and talking to yourself." I walk over to the stove and turn off the burner. Her arms wrap around my waist from behind and she kisses my cheek. "Aw you made dinner? It smells amazing!"

"Yep! And you're just on time because I just finished it" I turn around in her arms and cup her cheeks in my hands. "So I hope you're hungry"

"I definitely am!" She pulls me closer kissing me lovingly before letting go and grabbing us bowls. We both make our bowls of food and sit together at the dining room table. I try acting like nothings wrong, trying to keep casual conversation going while we eat. Once we're both closer to finishing eating she looks over at me with a concerned look on her face. "Are you ok honey? You seem a little distracted today"

"Oh uh.." I take my napkin and wipe my mouth of any sauce and place it back on the table. "It's just... I'm going to have to start filming SpiderMan 3 soon..." I say nervously.

"Oh. Well that's great honey!" She giggles kicking my foot softly with hers. "Why do you seem sad about that?"

I clear my throat looking down at the bowl sitting in front of me. "Because... it starts filming next week.. the same time we were supposed to go to London together so you can film Doctor Strange."

"Oh... so you won't be able to be on London with me?" She asks quietly.

"Sadly no. I was really looking forward to it, but I have to stay here and film" I sigh sitting back in my chair somberly.

Then I feel Lizzie's hands on my cheeks, she sits on my lap straddling my thighs. "Hey it's ok my love. We knew this would happen obviously." Her smile is warm as she softly rubs her thumbs against my cheeks. "See so it was a good idea I said we should wait to have kids" A small giggle escapes her lips.

"Yea I hate that you're right" I roll my eyes chuckling a bit. "I'm just excited to start a family with you! Take our kids to London and show them where I grew up.." My sentence trails off as she just watches me quietly.

She's silent for a few moments then kisses me softly. "How about when we are both done filming our movies, we explore our options... and we can start trying to expand our family?"

"Really? You really want that?" I check, to make sure I wasn't being pushy. She just laughs and nods her head yes in response. "I'd like that.. I love you"

"I love you too honey" She smiles running her hands through my hair. "Come on let's get this cleaned up"

She gives me a quick peck on the lips and gets up off my lap grabbing my bowl from the table. I grab her bowl and follow her into the kitchen starting to clean up. After finishing up I grab her hand pulling her towards me softly. "You're definitely going to need a vacation after filming. How about we go on a little trip somewhere when you're done filming Doctor Strange?"

"That sounds amazingly, I'd love to" She giggles excitedly and squeezes my hand softly.

"I can't wait" I smile kissing her softly then lead her out to the living room where Ivy had been sleeping on the couch. "But for now, I think we need some cuddling time"

Lizzie laughs a little and sits down on the couch patting next to her, "I think you're right" I sit down next to her and she immediately wraps her arms around me tightly and lays her head on my chest. I smile wrapping my arms around her leaning my head on hers. "We'll need to start strategically planning when we film so we can still see eachother"

"You mean like, you film something while I stay then you stay while u film?" I query looking down at her while turning the tv on.

"Exactly. Especially when we have kids, then one of us is always with them during the day"

"That's a great idea. So smart darling" I squeeze her tightly making her giggle and do the same back to me. She nuzzles her face in my chest humming happily as we start watching a movie. I never want this moment to end

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