Part 39

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The next day as Lizzie still sleeps up in our room, I stand in the kitchen making us breakfast. I have my spodify open on my phone playing music and dancing around the kitchen. Once I'm stopped in front of the stove swaying my hips back and forth I feel arms wrapping around my waist. "Good morning my love" Lizzie says tiredly before kissing my cheek.

"Good morning belle, how'd you sleep?" I query reaching back with one arm wrapping it around her. She shuffles around now standing next to me with her arms still around me.

"I slept good, still tired" She yawns laying her head on my shoulder.

"You can go back to bed my love" I chuckle while she whines, I see her scrunching up her face and shutting her eyes.

"It's ok, I'll stay here with you. My sisters are coming today anyway" She smiles kissing my cheek.

"That's today?? I thought they were coming tomorrow?" I furrow my brows looking over at her confused.

"Today silly" She takes the tongs from me and puts the bacon on the plate with the bacon already on it.

"Well now I'm nervous. I thought I had a day to prepare myself" I turn off the burner then take a step back. Which prompts Lizzie to move in front of me and wrap her arms securely around my waist.

"There's nothing to be nervous about. They're gonna love you babe!" She then grabs onto my face and brings me into a kiss.

"Hm you don't know that for sure belle" I frown as she rolls her eyes, she then wraps her arms around my neck kissing me again.

"I do know that, they'll love you. Not as much as I love you though" She giggles reaching over and grabbing a piece of bacon.

"I love you too. Let's eat, the foods getting cold" I hover her a quick kiss then grab us two plates and hand one to her. We get our food and sit down at the dinning room table together.

After we eat our breakfast Lizzie takes our plates and starts washing them. "I'm gonna take a shower and start getting ready. I need to go to the grocery store as well" She explains while I walk into the kitchen.

"Want me to come with you shopping?" I query kissing her cheek then grab the bacon pan.

"No it's ok love" She smiles softly at me as I bring the pan over to the sink.

"Are you sure? I'll come with if you want" I check while Lizzie places our plates on the drying rack.

"I'm sure babe" She grabs my face with her cold hands and gives me a small kiss.

"Ok, I'll make sure the kitchen and everything is clean then" I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her towards me.

"That works" She hums happily kissing me softly again. "I'll be back down in a few" she kisses me one more time before hurrying upstairs. I chuckle going to the sink, starting to clean the pans. Once I finish I go into the living room looking around. I fix the pillows to make them look nice, make sure the blanket on the back of the couch looks nice. I now stand in the middle of the living room seeing if anything needs to be resituated or anything. Then I feel arms wrap around me from behind again. "The living room isn't too bad baby"

"Yea I think it looks good" I smile resting my arms onto hers. "How was your shower?"

"It was nice, now I have to go to the grocery store" I lean back into her prompting her to kiss my cheek gently. "I'll be back soon"

"Ok" I turn around in her arms kissing her softly, "I love you, see you when you get back from the store belle"

"I love you too" She scrunches her nose and kisses me again. Then she grabs her keys and purse waking over to the door. She blows me a kiss before opening the front door and leaving. So I walk into the kitchen and clean it up some then continue cleaning around the house for 20 minutes.

"I think it looks good" I say to myself standing in the middle of the living room once again. I sit down on the couch and pull out my phone deciding to go onto Instagram. I haven't checked it since I uploaded the video of me and Lizzie at the beach. I see I have a lot of tagged posts and comments.

"Look at the way Lizzie looks at her! I wish she'd look at me like that"

"So they're dating?? I knew Lizzie was fruity!"

"They're actually kinda cute together"

These are all... kinda good. I'm afraid to keep going, because I know there's bad ones. I sigh and continue scrolling.

"Where did this girl come from? And why is Lizzie dating her??"

"How did she even meet Lizzie?"

"Ugh Lizzie is so much better than her!"

"Lizzie deserves better"

"I can't believe Lizzie's dating her🙄"

I click my phone off and slap in face down on the couch. "Bad idea" I sigh leaning my head back on the couch silently. A few minutes pass and I hear my phone ding.

Hey love! I'm home, can you come help with the groceries? ❤️

My Love🥰:
Of course belle😘 Coming now

I click my phone off dropping on the couch and hurting out the door to Lizzie's car. "Welcome home belle" I grab her hips giving her a loving kiss.

"Hi baby" She smiles grabbing onto my face bringing me in for another kiss. "It's not too many bags so we should be fine" She grabs my hand leading me to the trunk of her car. I grab two bags bringing them inside to the kitchen. Lizzie walks in behind me and sets the bags down on the counter, "There's only two more bags" She turns to leave the kitchen but I wrap my arms around her waist and lift her up. "Babe!"

"I'll get the bags belle, you stay here" I chuckle turning around and setting her down on the floor. "I love you"

"I love you too" I kiss her softly and start out the kitchen. "Are you ok babe? Did something happen while I was gone?"

I turn around with a smile, "I'm great, because your home" I blow her a kiss as she chuckles a little bit. " I'll be right back with the bags my love" I quickly walk outside to her car grabbing the bags. "I need to not think about the hate comments" I start taking deep breathes as I lock her car and walk back inside. I set the bags down on the counter. Once I set them down Lizzie quickly wraps her arms around my neck pushing me back into the counter. She smashes her lips onto mine beginning to table her hands in my hair. I wrap my arms around her tightly bringing her body closer to mine as I deepen the kiss. "Well hi belle" I breathe against her lips.

"Hi" She smirks against my lips then kisses me softly. "Let's put stuff away now" She smiles and turns back towards the table. God I love this woman

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