Part 70

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I sit anxiously on the plane as we fly back to America to Lizzie. I tap my feet on the floor and my fingers against my knees. "Y/n it's gonna be ok" Tom reaches over putting his hands on mine. "We'll get him to stop. And Lizzie will be safe from him"

"I hope you're right. Gah he just makes me so mad. How can he beg for her back after what he did?" I grumble gripping onto my pant legs.

"Because he's a sick bastard" He laughs nudging my arm. "And we are gonna go kick his ass, making sure he never goes near Lizzie again" He smiles now grabbing onto both of my hands. "It'll be ok"

"You're right.. thanks Tommy" I chuckle lightly and lean my head over on his shoulder.

"No need to thank me darling" He chuckles kissing my head then leaning his head on mine. "We are almost there"Another hour passes and we finally land back in LA. At this point I'm dragging Tom out of the airport "Y/n love you don't need to drag me with you!"

"We need to hurry just in case he's already at Lizzie's!" I exclaim continuing to drag him off to get a rental car. We get a car and I quickly drive us to Lizzie's house. As we quickly pull up I see Lizzie outside with Robbie a few feet away from her. I quickly park then me and Tom get out of the car, "HEY!!" I yell making the two of them both look over at me.

"Y/n!!" Lizzie exclaims running past Robbie into my arms.

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" I grab her face softly, looking her up and down.

"I'm ok. What are you two doing here??" She asks as I notice tears forming in her eyes.

"We've come to help you" Tom chimes in smiling at her.

"You." I glare over at Robbie who's glaring back at me. I give Lizzie a kiss then walk a few feet forward towards Robbie. "Leave my girlfriend alone asshat!"

"No! She should be MY girlfriend! I love her, she belongs with me!" He yells as Tom walks up next to me with Lizzie hiding behind us.

"You need to fuck off and leave Liz alone" Tom glares over at him crossing his arms. "We aren't gonna ask nicely again"

"She doesn't belong with you. And you don't love her! If you did you never would have cheated on her! What kind of sick bastard would cheat on such an amazing woman?" I say feeling Lizzie tugging at my shirt.

"You two aren't apart of this. This is between me and Lizzie!" He exclaims walking towards us some more.

"I become apart of this when you harass my girlfriend!" I yell taking another step forward.

"Babe wait" Lizzie says grabbing my arm. I look back to say something when suddenly a little kitten runs out from the bushes. It skids to a stop as Robbie trips over it.

"Stupid little shit!" Robbie spits as he turns around lifting his leg.

"No not the kitty!" Lizzie yells.

I quickly leap forward grabbing Robbie by the collar of the shirt as Tom grabs Lizzie pulling her to him. I yank him backwards causing him to fall back on his butt as the kitten lays there terrified. "Lizzie take the kitten inside"


"Belle please" I look over at her. She nods and quickly runs over grabbing the frightened kitten. Then she runs back into the house as Robbie stands up on his feet.

"You bitch!" Robbie spins around and comes at me ready to attack.

But before he could Tom jumps in front of me and slams his fist into Robbie's jaw knocking him back. "Touch her and I'll kill you"

"Let me" I step around Tom patting his shoulder. I then as hard as I can, slam my fist in the middle of his face hitting his nose. "You asshole! Think you can cheat on Lizzie and then come crawling back because you see she's happy with out you!" I yell, connecting my fist to his cheek.

"And then you're gonna assault them!?" Tom steps forward again kicking Robbie in the chest sending him backwards on his ass. "You're lucky we aren't calling the cops when really we should!"

I walk to him grabbing the collar of his shirt forcing him to stand back up on his feet as he groans. "You listen" I take my knee and jab it into his stomach. "You're gonna leave my girlfriend the hell alone" I let go of him and punch him in the jaw once again knocking him back onto the floor. "If you don't I'm gonna send your ass to jail"

He sits up spitting blood onto the ground, "You.. don't deserve her.."

Before I can react, Tom had stepped forward grabbing him by his hair. He pulls up making Robbie yell in pain, then Tom takes his knee and knees him in the jaw. "Oh and you do? Lizzie is happy with Y/n! If you have any sliver of actual love for her then let her be happy. Without you!!" He yells kicking him backwards onto his back.

"Ok Tom thank you" I smile pulling him back softly. "He's right asshat. If you love her like you say you do, then you let her be happy. And if I see you near my girl again I will seriously send you to jail. Understand?"

"Yes.." He grumbles as he gets up to his feet wobbling.

"Good. Oh and one more thing just to make sure" I punch him once on the nose then again in the jaw. "Now I'm done. Get off my girlfriends property"

I start walking expecting Tom to be behind me. I look back to see him standing staring at Robbie, he then looks over at me. "I'll meet you in there. I'm gonna make sure he leaves"

"Ok. Thank you" I smile and walk up to the door. I turn again to see Tom grabbing Robbie by the back of his shirt and yanking him up to his feet. Then I quickly run inside to check on Lizzie and make sure she's ok.

Nowhere To GoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora