Part 30

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I walk back into the living room after going to the bathroom, to see Lizzie now sitting up on her phone. "Hey belle I'm back" We've been watching stuff for a couple hours, eating dinner in between.

"You knew about this didn't you?" She holds up her phone showing me one of the many posts about me and her holding hands.

I chuckle nervously sitting down next to her, "I did yea. But I only didn't tell you because I didn't want you to freak out or get upset. I wanted you to be relaxed so I said a little white lie to keep your anxiety at bay..." I look down at my hands fiddling my thumbs. Lizzie leans her head on my shoulder and places her hand on mine.

"You're sweet baby.. thank you." She kisses my cheek then slaps my arm, "That's for the little white lie though" She chuckles laying her head back on my shoulder. "I've been reading these posts since you've been in the bathroom" She starts opening her phone up again.

"Yea? What are they saying?" I look over at her phone as she clicks on one of the posts and scrolls through the comments.

"It's a mix. Some people are saying we have a cute friendship, others saying we're dating." She reaches over kissing my cheek. "Anyway I'm gonna head upstairs and shower. I'll be back down in a bit baby" She stands up kissing me softly.

"Ok belle" I smile watching her walk upstairs. I turn something on tv and go onto my phone. I go to my tagged photos, "What's this?" I click on a post and it's the video from earlier of the paparazzi asking us questions. I go onto YouTube to see if it's there and sure enough it is. So I start reading the comments.

"Are they dating??"

"Nah she totally friend zoned Elizabeth!"

"This seems sus"

"Have you seem the pictures? And the way she wrapped her arm around Lizzie?"

"If they aren't dating then Y/n has the hots for Lizzie"

I sigh going back onto Instagram when I see a text from Tom.

Y/n! Are you ok? You're getting a lot of hate online..

I open more posts and go to the comment sections.

"They'd make a cute couple!"

"No they wouldn't. Obviously Lizzie's only there just being a good friend."

"Yea there's no love, even like in the looks she was giving Y/n."

"She seemed uncomfortable when she wrapped her arm around Lizzie!"

"She doesn't deserve Lizzie."

"Lizzie's too good for her"


Suddenly I feel Lizzies hands on my cheeks, she moves my head up to face her. "What's wrong my love!? Why are you crying!?" I reach up touching my wet cheek, I didn't even realize I was crying. "What happened??" I just quietly show her my phone, she sits there for a few minutes silently scrolling. Then she puts my phone down, sits next to me and grabs my face once again. "Don't listen to them Y/n. If anything It's me who doesn't deserve you! You're too good for me! They've got it all wrong" She kisses my forehead softly.

"That's not true Lizzie.. we deserve each other.." I sniffle as a smile forms across her lips.

"Because we love each other and we make each other happy!" She scrunches up her nose cutely making me smile. "So don't cry, they don't know anything! They don't even know we're actually dating" She winks making me chuckle.

"Yet. But they don't need to know yet, we'll tell them when we are ready. Then I can't wait to tell the whole world I have the most amazing, beautiful girlfriend in the world" I lean forward kissing her gently.

"Sweet talker for someone who just friend zoned me earlier" She teases sticking her tongue out at me giggling.

"Unintentionally friend zone!" I laugh as she rolls her eyes.

"You friend zoned your own girlfriend" She huffs crossing her arms.

"I think I can make it up to you" a smirk forms across my lips as Lizzie raises a curious eyebrow at me. I smash my lips onto her starting to climb on top of her. She wraps her arms around my neck as she lays back on the couch. I get my arm under her situating her under me as I trail kisses down her neck and back up to her lips. I kiss her harder earning a moan as she tangles her hands in my hair. "You look hot in those sweat pants belle" I whisper breathlessly against her lips.

"You look hot in these sweatpants baby" She begins kissing me again. I pull back and look at her sweatpants.

"Wait. These are my sweatpants!" I grab the waistband looking at them making her giggle.

"Babe, shut up and kiss me!" She grabs my face laughing. I smash my lips back onto hers slipping my hand up her shirt as she wraps her legs around me, straddling me. I slowly move my hand from her stomach slipping it into her sweatpants when my phone goes off. "Just let it ring" She breathes against my lips. So I let it ring moving my hand up her thigh when my phone rings again. She turns her head looking over at my phone on the table as I start kissing her neck. "I-It's Tom" She stutters gripping the back of my shirt.

"He's not gonna stop either" I groan sitting up on Lizzies lap. She puts her hands over her face whining as I reach over to grab my phone. "Tom this better be important"

"Finally! I was getting worried when you didn't answer. Are you ok?"

"I'm ok Tom I promise"

"Are you sure? Because I know you can't handle hate sometimes. Depending on what it's about."

"I'm sure Tom, I'm ok. Everything is fine" I explain as Lizzie sits up.

"I'm gonna go wait for you upstairs" She whispers in my ear before getting up and walking upstairs.

"I-Is that all??" I feel my cheeks start to burn watching Lizzie walk away.

"Uh.. yea, I just wanted to make sure you're ok. I'll see you tomorrow still right?"

"Thank you Tom, and yes I'll see you tomorrow"

"Great! See you tomorrow then!"

"Ok, bye!" I hang up and quickly make my way upstairs. I walk into Lizzie's room where she's laying down on the bed. "I love you"

She laughs rolling her eyes and sitting up. "I love you too" I hop on the bed kissing her passionately laying her back down on the bed.

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