Part 48

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I wake up the next morning alone in bed, I look around the room but Lizzie's nowhere in sight. I get up slipping on some comfy shorts and a gray T-shirt. So I walk downstairs, the scent of bacon and eggs fill my nostrils. I walk into the kitchen to see Lizzie cooking in one of my big hoodies and some workout shorts. "Well good morning sexy" I smirk wrapping my arms around Lizzie from behind.

"Good morning indeed my love" She turns around in my arms cupping my face in her hands. "My legs are a little shaky from last night" She smirks kissing me gently.

"Is that right?" I smirk as she turns back around in my arms facing to stove. She sighs leaning back into me, so I tighten my grip around her. "That smells amazing belle" I watch as she puts the rest of the bacon onto a paper plate. "I'm starving"

"Good thing I just finished" She walks over to the counter and then turns around handing me a plate.

I kiss her cheeks as she places some bacon on my plate. "Thank you babe" She answers with a kiss while I put some eggs on my plate. Then I follow her to the dinner table and sit down beginning to eat. "God I'm gonna miss your cooking" I hum happily taking a bite of my eggs.

"Well at least you'll have Tom's cooking!" She giggles taking a bite of her bacon.

"Toms cooking!? Have you ever had his cooking? Oh I'm gonna die" I groan, smacking my palm against my forehead.

"You'll be fine! You cook great my love, why don't you help him?" She suggests with a laugh afterwards.

"I mean I guess. I'm still gonna miss you and your cooking" I grumble poking at my eggs.

"I'm gonna miss you too, and your cooking" She smiles softly kicking my foot with hers. I look up at her, locking eyes with her as a soft smile forms across my lips. "We still have 3 days before you leave! Other than work you are not leaving my sight!" She exclaims pointing at me with the end of her fork.

"I wouldn't have it any other way love" I blow her a kiss then take a bite of my bacon. I hear her phone ding, I watch her look at the text, roll her eyes then set her phone down on the table. "Who was it?"

"No one important" She sighs, "Do you have to be on set today?" She queries as she puts a bite of eggs in her mouth.

"Shit! I gotta get ready!" I grab two pieces of bacon and run upstairs hearing Lizzie's laughs following me. I eat the bacon while attempting to put normal clothes on, almost falling as I try and put on my pants. I quickly brush my hair then run downstairs where Lizzie is walking into the kitchen. "Gotta eat this quickly!" I say before shoveling my eggs into my mouth.

Lizzie gasps, "Babe slow down! You're gonna choke!" She walks over to me putting her hand on my back.

"I'm fine!" I drop my fork on the plate, grab my napkin and wipe my mouth then swallow the rest of the food in my mouth. "I'll see you when I get home! Have a good day at work by the way" I grab her hips pulling her to me and give her a kiss.

"Bye babe, you have a good day at work too! I love you" She smiles, scrunching her nose.

"I love you too, bye" I kiss her again before grabbing my bag and quickly leaving the house.

"Please Y/n! One drink!" Tom pleas, following me out to my car.

"I have to get home to Lizzie Tom" I chuckle hearing him whine behind me.

"Please!" He pleas again.

"Tom I'm gonna be with you for months nonstop in 3 days! Can't you wait?" I turn around to face him stopping in our tracks.

"I know I know, but we haven't hung out for awhile" He whines, now sticking his bottom lip out at me.

I sigh running my hand through my hair. Now he's giving me puppy dog eyes, ugh I hate him. "Ok ok fine! But you're coming to Lizzie's with me!" I glare at him as he smiles brightly now.

"Yay! I can live with that" He shrugs, "I'll meet you there!" He chuckles quickly walking to his car. I roll my eyes getting into my car and driving back home. When I pull into the driveway I notice Lizzie's car isn't here. I get out of the car looking around thinking maybe she parked somewhere else. "What's up?" Tom walks up to me locking his car, making it beep.

"Come in" I say grabbing his arm, dragging him into the house. Once we are in I look around and start yelling for Lizzie, "Lizzie!? Are you you here!?" But there's no answer. "Weird.. she should be home by now"

"Maybe she got stuck on set" Tom shrugs then puts his hands on my shoulders. "Let's go in the living room and you can call her from there" He suggests as he pushes my to the living room by my shoulders.

"Ok ok no need to push!" I laugh swatting his hands away from me. I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Lizzie.

"Hey baby!"

"Hey belle! Where are you? I thought you were home by now?" I query.

"I'm sorry babe! I thought I'd be home but turns out I'm stuck here for another hour" I her her start whining a little.

"Oh ok. I'm glad nothing happened to you"

"Lizzie you're needed back on set!" I hear someone yell.

"Ok! I gotta go my love, I'll see you in a little bit"

"Ok belle, bye I love you!"

"Bye I love you too!"

"Oh by the way Toms here"

"Oh ok babe, tell him I said hi. I'll see you soon"

"Bye" And with that the phone hangs up.

"So?" Tom walks out of the kitchen with a drink in hand.

"When the hell did you go in the kitchen?" I watch him walk over and sit down on the couch in confusion.

"While you were on the phone, duh. Now, where is Liz at?" He asks as I sit down on the couch next to him.

"She got stuck at work. She'll be there for another hour" I sigh leaning back on the couch. "Oh she says hi by the way"

"See I told you she was just stuck at work" He says with a smug look on his face.

"Yea yea let's just watch tv and hangout" I roll my eyes and turn on the tv. This'll be nice to hangout with him for a little before Lizzie gets home.

Nowhere To GoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora