Part 53

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Y/n's POV:
I wake up the next morning to my alarm going off once again. I quickly shut it off then I notice Lizzie sent me a text last night while I was asleep.

Hey my love, I know you're asleep but I need to talk to you tomorrow! It's important. Anyway Love you 🥰 sleep well ❤️

My Love🥰:
Ok Belle, I'll let you know when I can call❤️ have a good day at work! Love you😘

I click my phone off and get ready to go. I walk out of my room and see Tom standing there on his phone, waiting for me. "Morning Tom"

"Morning, ready to go?" He smiles putting his phone in his pocket.

"Aren't we gonna make coffee first?" I query raising an eyebrow.

"We're gonna stop and get some coffee, so let's get going" He motions me to follow him as he walks to our front door.

"I feel like that's making our lives more difficult but fine" I follow him out rolling my eyes at him.

"I saw that" He laughs.

"Saw what?"

"The eye roll" He snickers looking back at me.

"What? How!? You can't even see me!" I exclaim making him laugh more. "I hate you"

"Love you too, now get your ass in the car" He motions with his head to the car as he climbs in. I groan and reluctantly get into the car.


"Ok lunch break!" The director yells as I get unhooked from the harness.

"Y/n! Want to come eat lunch with me?" Zendaya smiles as she walks up to me.

"Oh, sure! After I get out of this" I laugh holding my arms up as the crew finishes taking the harness off me. "Ok now we can go"

"Sweet! Want to head to my trailer?" She queries, walking with me towards the trailers.

"Sure, I'm gonna grab some food over here. I'll meet you there" I smile, she nods in response and walks to her trailer.

"You're eating with Zendaya today?" I jump a little hearing Tom from behind me.

"Gah! You scared me!" I slap his arm making him laugh. "For your information I am having lunch with Zendaya today. She invited me to"

"Sorry and well I guess I'll be eating with just Jacob today" He shrugs.

"You make it sound like a bad thing" I chuckle, bumping into him playfully.

"It's not" He rolls his eyes at me.

"Now whose the one rolling their eyes?" I query and laugh. "Anyway, I'll see you after lunch"

"Ok, see ya"

I grab me some food then hurry off to Zendaya's trailer. "Hey Z! Sorry I was talking with Tom"

"It's all good, here sit" She smiles, pointing over to the chair across from her.

"Thank you" I smile and take a seat then my phone goes off. It's Lizzie. I've been getting a little worried, she said she really needs to tell me something. That gives me slight anxiety. Ugh why do I have to have work right now?

"You ok over there Y/n? You're frowning at your phone" Zendaya checks, bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Oh uh yea just.." I clear my throat and set my phone down on the table. "It's just Lizzie really needs to talk to me, she said it's important. And I'm just getting anxiety from it" I chuckle nervously.

"Just take some deep breathes" She says softly, so I do as she says and begin taking deep breathes. "I'm sure everything is fine, it's probably nothing bad. Try to think positively"

"I'll try. Thank you" I smile and start eating my food.

"You're welcome" She smiles and begins eating her food as well. "How's living with Tom?" She asks leaning back in her chair.

"Oh, it's fun! We have such a cute little house. You'll have to come over and hangout sometime! We can invite Jacob too" I explain happily, seeing a smile form on her face.

"That'd be awesome!" She says excitedly. "I'm happy to be working with Tom again." Her sentence trails off while I just sit there and raise an eyebrow at her. "O-Oh and you too of course!"

"I'm happy to work with you too, I'm sure Tom is as well" I laugh watching her nervously start eating again. Huh.. weird.. I wonder...

We talk for the rest on our lunch break, talking about work and Tom seemed to keep popping up in our conversation as well. "Y/n! Daya! We gotta get back to set!" Tom yells from the other side of the door.

"Ok, coming!" I yell back to him grabbing my phone from the table and stand up. "I guess that's our que to leave" I chuckle as she follows after me, getting up from her chair.

"Thanks for having lunch with me" She smiles pulling me into a hug.

"No problem! We can have lunch anytime!" I give her a big hug back then follow her out of the trailer and back to set.


Tom and I get back home after hours of being on set, now I can finally call Lizzie. I told Tom I had to call her so when we got inside the house, I immediately go into my room. I sit on the bed, pull out my phone and call Lizzie. "Hey baby! How was your day at work?" She says, answering almost immediately.

"Hey belle! It was good, tiring. How was yours?"

"It was good my love"

There's silence for a moment, so I clear my throat and decide to start. "So what did you want to tell me belle?"

"Well... ever since we went clubbing.." She pauses taking a deep breathe then continues. "Robbie has been calling and texting me.."

"What!? Did you block him?"

"Yes! But then he started texting and calling me from this other number! I don't know what to do. And I didn't tell you right away because I didn't want you to freak out the first day you were gone. Scarlett told me I should mute him so I did..."

I take a few deep breathes as to not freak out on her or anything. "I swear... he needs to leave you the hell alone. He can't take a hint can he?"

"Yea..." She goes silent for a few moments. "So you're not mad at me?"

"What? No! Of course I'm not mad at you my love! I'm annoyed that your ex wont leave you alone but I'm not mad at you" I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"I'm so relieved you're not mad at me.."

"I can never really be mad at you anyway. I love you"

"I love you too!"

"You let me know if anything else happens with that ok?"

"I will I promise"

"Jeez you scared me. I started getting anxiety! I thought you were gonna dump me or something"

"What!? I'd never dump you! I love you so much! I'm sorry I scared you though baby"

"It's ok belle, as long as we are ok then I'm ok"

"We are amazing baby" Now that my nerves have calmed I lay down and talk with Lizzie for a few hours until I fell asleep on the phone with her.

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