Part 69

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It's been a week since Lizzie was here and I miss her so much. She's been acting kinda weird though I'm not sure why. I've asked and she says she's fine and just misses me. I'm not sure if I believe that or not.

Today I'm on set, now looking for Tom since it's our lunch break. Then I finally see him, he's talking with Zendaya. I smile and go to walk away when Tom spots me and hurries over. "Hey! Sorry I was talking with Z"

"It's ok you don't have to apologize" I chuckle looking over at my trailer then to Zendaya. "Hey why don't you go eat with her?"

"What? Do you not want me to eat lunch with you?" He queries.

"No it's not that, I just mean I'm going to call Lizzie so I was thinking you could go eat with Z" I smile widely at him as he looks at me confused.

"Ok.. sure that's fine. I'll come check on you when lunch is over" He smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Ok have fun!" I wave to him then walk into my trailer. "I'm pretty sure Lizzie is asleep right now.. eh that's fine I'll just send her a text before I call" I say to myself, so I send Lizzie a quick text and start eating my lunch.


Lizzie's POV:
I wake up in the morning to see Y/n had texted me. I send her a text then get up and make me coffee. The past week Robbie has been leaving things at my doorstep. I'm getting worried that he's going to knock on my front door and try something. I wish Y/n was here, I don't think I can make it a few more months with Robbie doing these things. I have a weird feeling as I'm making my coffee so I text Scarlett asking her to come over. A few minutes later she texts back saying she'll be here in a little while with Rose. So I sit in the living room waiting for Scarlett since I have the day off. About an hour passes and I hear a knock on my door. I get up assuming it's Scarlett. But when I open the door to see Robbie standing there. "Lizzie!"

"Robbie!? What the hell are you doing here!" I feel my chest tighten as my anxiety begins to rise.

"I need to talk to you"

"No there's nothing to talk about. You need to leave" I try closing the door must he puts his hand out stopping the door.

"Wait! Please Lizzie. I love you still, I want you back" He pleas with me.

"No Robbie! You cheated on me, you hurt me. Besides I'm with Y/n now and I'm happy" I take a deep breathe as he takes a step forward to me.

"We were together for two years!"

"Yea and you cheated on me! This isn't up for discussion. Please just go" I try closing the door again but he pushes it back open.

"I'm sorry! I should never have cheated on you! I made a mistake. I love you Lizzie! Please we can work this out" He says pushing his way into my house making me step away from him.

"Robbie get out! I don't love you anymore! I love Y/n!" I yell putting my arms out so he stays away from me.

"Let's talk about this and work this out! We belong together" He says grabbing onto my wrists.

"No we don't! Let go of me Robbie" I try getting my wrists out of his grasp but I'm failing.

"Just leave Y/n and we can try again! We can work things out!" He squeezes my wrists.

"Stop it! I don't want you anymore! I don't love you anymore I love Y/n! I want to marry her, not you." I yell still trying to get free from his grasp.

"Is there a problem?" I look over at the door to see Scarlett standing with Rose.

"Auntie Lizzie!" Rose wiggles out of Scarlett's arms and runs over to me as Robbie let's go of me.

"Hi my little Rose!" I pick her up and hug onto her tightly.

"I'll go. I'll be back Liz" He says before quickly walking out of my house.

Scarlett slams the door and quickly walks over to me hugging me tightly. "Are you ok Liz? He didn't hurt you did he?"

"I'm ok thank you. He didn't hurt me. I'm glad I invited you over though. I had a feeling something like that was gonna happen" I sigh as she leads me over to the couch and sits us down.

"I'm glad you invited me too! Who knows what he would've done if I hadn't walked in" She hugs me again as Rose jumps off my lap.

"I need to call Y/n" I sigh pulling out my phone.

"Go ahead, I need to get Rose's toys out of the car. I heard you yelling so I just came straight to the door" She explains standing up.

"Thank you" I say smiling up at her. She walks out leaving Rose sitting on the floor in front of me. I quickly pull up Y/n's contact and call her.

"Belle? Hi what's up? I thought you were having Scar over"

"She just got here but... Robbie was just here.."

"What!? What happened belle?"

"He came over trying to get me back. He wouldn't leave.. he pushed his way into the house and even grabbed onto my wrists... luckily Scarlett and Rose came in and stopped him... but I don't know if I feel safe anymore.. who knows what he might do..."

"Lizzie, my love. I'm so sorry that happened, I'm I wasn't there to stop it. But I won't let him do anything else to you! I promise.."

"Thank you my love.. I wish you were here"

"I do too..." She's silent for a few moments then speaks up again. "Babe I love you so much, I have to go talk to Tom. Have fun with Scarlett and Rose ok? I'll talk to you soon"

"I love you too, I'll try. I'll talk to you later"

"Bye love you"

"Bye love you too" I hang up as Scarlett walks back in.

"Everything ok?" She queries.

"Yea. She said she had to go talk to Tom"

"Oh ok. Here let's relax and watch a movie" She smiles and sits down next to me as I nod in response.


Y/n's POV:
"Tom I'm leaving" I say walking into Toms room.

"What? What do you mean?" He sits up from his bed quickly.

"Robbie is harassing Lizzie, I need to go back to LA" I sigh and walk back into my room. I pack a bag for me to leave for a few days. Then I hear Tom walk in and drop something on the floor. I turn around to see him standing with a bag at his feet. "What are you doing?"

"Well I'm going with you of course. Let's go beat this shit head, together" He smiles widely at me.

"Thank you Tom. Let's get ready and go"

Nowhere To GoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon