Part 23

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"This was so nice thank you for having us over for dinner honey!" My mom hugs me as I start putting my fork and knife on my plate.

"You don't have to thank me mom, we've loved having you and Ava here to visit. Even if the circumstances weren't the best" I chuckle as my mom kisses my cheek.

"We've loved being here" Ava says smiling at us as Lizzie grabs her plate.

"Here let me take your plate love" Lizzie walks over to me and my mom offering to take my plate.

"I can help you clean up Lizzie" I pick my plate up to take it to the kitchen.

"It's fine, stay here and visit" She takes my plate kissing my cheek. Lizzie then walks into the kitchen with my mom following her.

"Here let me help sweetie" I hear my mom say from the kitchen.

"Y/n" I look over at Ava who motions me to follow her into the backyard. I raise an eyebrow at her following her out to the back. "So? You love her already don't you?" She queries as I shut the back door closed.

"What makes you say that?" I lay my crutches on the ground and sit down at the little wooden picnic table in Lizzie's backyard.

"You know exactly what makes me say that" Ava rolls her eyes sitting next to me at the table. "I see how you look at her Y/n. And she looks at you. I've heard you call her Belle, she calls you love. Just marry her already at this point"

"Ok slow down there! I haven't even asked her to be my girlfriend yet" I laugh pushing her playfully. "But.. I do love her already"

"Sounds like a very Y/n thing to do" I look over at her confused. "What? It is! You fall too hard too fast." She shrugs leaning back on the table.

"Name one other person I fell hard for too fast" I cross my arms glaring at her.

"Florence" I look at her wide eyed as she smirks at me.

"That's different!"

"I know." I shut my mouth as she moves to now sit on the table resting her feet on the bench. "You fell for Florence before she fell for you. But Lizzie.. she loves you too I can tell. So don't you let her go ok?"

"I don't plan on it" I smile looking inside the house. I can see Lizzie and my mom talking in the kitchen. "When did you become such a love expert?" I query looking back over at Ava, her cheeks now bright red. "No! You have a boyfriend don't you? Who is it? Tell me about him! Come on!"

"Shut up!" She covers her face groaning as I laugh sitting next to her on the table.

"You've been here a week and haven't mentioned this to me?? I thought we were closer than that Ava!" I push her playfully while she keeps her face in her hands.

"It slipped my mind!" She exclaims looking back up at me.

"Slipped your mind my ass!" I put my hand on my chest laughing as she starts shaking her head no. "Does mom even know?"

"Yes.. he stayed at my apartment and uh.. mom came over unexpected and he answered the door" Ava hits my arm as I start laughing harder.

"I'm sorry but that's pretty funny! So why didn't you tell me?" I look over at her smiling.

"It's nothing against you, we've only been dating for a few months. I wanted to be with him for a bit before I went telling everyone" She shrugs leaning forward grabbing onto the edge of the table.

"Well I can't wait to meet him, whenever that'll be"

Lizzie's POV:
"Y/n really likes you, I can tell" Her mom breaks the silence while I wash the dishes.

"I really like her too" I turn to her mom and smile then go back to cleaning.

"I wish we could stay longer, I want to make sure Y/n will be ok" I hear her sigh walking over to me and starts drying the plates I washed.

"We wish you could stay longer too. But I promise I'll take good care Y/n! She's in good hands I promise" I smile handing her a clean wet plate.

"Thank you Lizzie, I know you will" She holds the plate in one hand and wraps her other arm around me side hugging me. "Between me and you I like you a lot better than any of Y/n's other exes. I don't know if they'd do the things you've been doing for her this past week. Helping her around, like making sure she gets down the stairs without falling!" She laughs making me chuckle.

"I take care of the people I care about, like my friends and family. And Y/n.." I sigh smiling down at the last plate in the sink.

"And I think that's amazing, you're a sweet girl Lizzie. Y/n's lucky to have you" Her mom playfully bumps my side with hers and walks over to the cabinet putting the plates away.

"I think I'm the lucky one" I smile finishing up the last plate. I dry it off and put it away, I turn to Y/n's mom who's just smiling at me.

"Let's go see where those two went" Her mom wraps her arms around mine walking us out into the backyard. Y/n and Ava sit on the picnic table laughing and talking.

"You know that's not where you typically sit at a picnic table" I laugh as they both look over at us.

"Are you two done talking about me?" Y/n smirks as we walk over to them.

"Who said we were talking about you love?" I grab her chin softly as she chuckles.

"Because I know my mom, and I know she definitely brought me up" She laughs and leans forward kissing me softly.

"Ok fine maybe we were talking about you" I giggle letting go of her chin.

"Let's head inside and visit for a little longer before we head back" Her mom motions us all inside.

"Alright" Ava hops off the table while Y/n slowly gets off the table.

I grab her crutches and hold them up for her, "Thank you belle" She grabs hold of them and kisses my cheek.

"Of course love, let's head inside" I kiss her cheek back before we all head inside into the living room.

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