Part 88

720 31 9

"Come on! Hurry up! I wanna see the house mommy!" Rose yells from where she is sat on my shoulders while we wait for Scarlett and Lizzie to bring the last box of our things down. 

"Alright no need to rush us honey!" Scarlett walks around the corner laughing with Lizzie close behind carrying the last box.

"Want me to grab that belle?" I offer as the two of them approach me and Rose.

"No, it's ok my love" Lizzie smiles then gives me a soft kiss. "Where's Ivy at?" She asks me while resituating the box in her arms. 

"She out in the car with Tom. He probably has her on his lap." I chuckle turning towards the door, "Speaking of, he's probably waiting impatiently in the car for us." 

"We can't keep Uncle Tom waiting too long!" Rose giggles hugging onto me tightly.

"She's got a point" I open the front door letting Lizzie and Scarlett walk out first.

"Well aren't you sweet" Scarlett teases and kisses my cheek as she walks past me.

"Thank you love" Lizzie chuckles giving me another kiss as she also walks by me. 

I walk out, closing the door behind me then hurry over to the car holding on to Rose. "Hey, don't I get love too?" She pouts from my shoulders.

Scarlett turns to us after opening the back car door and smiles, "Of course my little love bug, come here!" She grabs Rose off of my shoulders and hugs onto her while tickling her. 

"Ah mommy no tickles!" She laughs while kicking her feet as Scarlett kisses her cheeks and keeps tickling her. 

While Scarlett puts Rose in her car seat I walk to my car to check on Ivy who's laying in Toms lap. "How's my little baby?" I query opening the back passenger side door. 

"She's been ok, just sleeping at the moment." He smiles while petting her softly.

"Good, good. Hopefully she'll stay like that the whole car ride. Just keep her on your lap especially if she wakes up" I smile reaching over and petting her softly.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine back here with me." He smiles and gives me a thumbs up making me chuckle lightly. 

"Good" I shut the door and turn to Scarlett who also gives me a thumbs up while climbing into her car. I nod and get into the driver's seat of my car where Lizzie is already sat in the passenger seat smiling. "Ready darling?" 

"Very ready baby" She hums, leaning kissing me lovingly. So, I start the car and drive us to our new home with Scarlett and Rose following behind us. It wasn't too far of a drive from Scarlett's house, we get there relatively quick while luckily Ivy slept the whole time. I park in the driveway next to Lizzie's car that she left before we went to grab the last few boxes. Scarlett parks in front of the house and we all quickly pile out of our cars. Lizzie takes Ivy from Tom, who then grabs one of the boxes from the back seat as Scarlett walks over to us holding Rose. I pick up one of the boxes from the back and turn around smiling. We all begin bringing boxes in and everything while Rose sat in our new living room playing with Ivy and making sure she doesn't run out the door. Once Tom and Scarlett brought in the last two boxes in, I feel Lizzie wrap her arms around me from behind. "Do you like our new house babe?"

"I do. I'm glad we were also able to get our furniture in here beforehand, Less of a hassle" I turn around chuckling while she smiles scrunching her nose at me. 

"I can't wait to sleep in our new bed together." She giggles and gives me a soft kiss. 

I gasp, "Elizabeth! There is a child in the room" I point over to Rose who isn't paying us any mind. 

"That's not what I meant and you know it Y/n!" She slaps my arm playfully as I laugh. 

"You know deep down that's what you really meant my darling" I giggle, giving her a kiss when Tom walks into the room. "Are you two lovebirds going to help unpack your things or not?" He says as he crosses his arms.

"Yea yea. we're coming Tommy" I snicker as he glares at me then walks away. "Come on love" I take her hand in mine and lead her into the kitchen where Scarlett and Tom where standing waiting for us. "You know we appreciate the two of you so much. But you don't have to stay and help, we can do the rest"

"We know" Tom says with a smile.

"But we want to help. Besides I want to spend a little more time with you before you're officially moved in!" Scarlett chimes in smiling. "Now lets start unpacking!"

So we spend the next two hours finishing up unpacking all our boxes and putting everything where it needs to be. "We are officially all moved in!" Lizzie practically squeals before hugging onto me tightly.

"I'm so happy right now" I smile kissing her lovingly as she giggles happily. 

"I can't believe I wont have my little roomies anymore!" Scarlett cries, throwing her arms around both me and Lizzie, pulling us into a hug. 

"Don't worry Scar! We don't live that far." I laugh giving her a hug back.

"Exactly, so we will still see you all the time!" Lizzie chimes in, hugging Scarlett tightly. 

"I know but I got so used to you being at my house everyday!" Scarlett whines.

"I'll miss you too. But we are just a few blocks away!" I can hear Lizzie's voice shaking a little bit. 

"My love are you crying?" I query as I can't see her face because she has it buried in Scarlett's shoulder.

She's silent for a moment, backs up and then looks at me. "No.." She says with tears in her eyes.

"Come here belle" I smile as she quickly wraps her arms around me, burying her face in my chest. "It's ok. We are still all going to see each other all the time. We just live a bit further away now. Why don't we order some take out, sit in the living room and hang out for a little longer before you three leave?" 

"I'd like that.." Lizzie says, her voice muffled from still having it in my chest.

"Let's do it" Tom smiles. Then he walks to us and gives us a hug from one side. Then Scarlett comes to the other side and hugs us tightly.

"Hey wait for me!!" Rose yells as she stumbles to her feet then runs over to us hugging onto our legs.

After a few minutes I laugh and say, "Not that I'm not loving this. But we should figure out what we want to eat and get it ordered." 

So for the next few hours we all hung out in the living room eating and talking, having a good time. Then the three of them had to leave since it was getting late. We said bye, gave them hugs and watched them leave. Once they left me and Lizzie took Ivy upstairs, laying her on her new little bed then got into bed ourselves. "I'm really happy to be here with you.." Lizzie smiles turning over on her side to face me.

"I am too.. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." I scoot over closer to her, prompting her to wrap her arms around me and cuddle up against me. 

"Goodnight Y/n.. I love you"  She whispers.

"Goodnight bell. I love you too" I smile and kiss her head before closing my eyes to fall asleep.

Nowhere To Goजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें