Part 3

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{One Week Later}

I've been living at Lizzie's for a week now and it's been great! We've had a few movie nights in her living room when I get home from work. She hasn't been coming to set yet since she doesn't have any scenes yet. I found out the only reason she was on set that day was because she wanted to meet me. ME!

"Y/n!!" Tom yells at me from a few feet away.

"What!? What!?" I yell back slightly annoyed at his outburst.

"I've been trying to get your attention! Jeez, what're you day dreaming about over there?" He huffs sitting down on the couch next to me.

"Nothing. Sorry I was spacing out" I chuckle nervously, I'm not gonna say I was thinking about Lizzie.

"How's it been at Lizzies? Everything going ok there?" He checks looking over at me.

"It's been great! She's so sweet and caring. She always makes sure I get home safe and get to work safe. It's nice" I sigh happily content with my living situation. "I was so worried for a minute when my payment didn't go through. But luckily Lizzie was there to save the day"

"I'm glad she offered you to stay. You still coulda stayed here" He jokes laughing awkwardly.

"One bedroom again Tom, I'm not sleeping in your bed or on the couch" I roll my eyes at him standing up walking to the kitchen.

"Aw come on! What if you had to stay here?" He queries following me into the kitchen as I grab a water bottle from his fridge.

"If I had to then of course I'd stay. But lucky for you I have Lizzie's extra room and you have your own bed. Win win in my book" I shrug taking a drink of the water as I walk back into the living room.

"I guess, you know I wouldn't mind the company either" He pokes his head out of the kitchen pouting.

"I'm keeping you company now arent I?" I sit down on the couch setting my water on the end table. "Why do you keep bringing this up?"

"No reason, I was just sayin." He chuckles lowly as he walks out of the kitchen. "Wanna order some pizza? I'm starving"

"Why don't you do that and I'll go to the bathroom" I playfully push him as he sits on the couch next to me. I get up as he pulls out his phone and walk to the bathroom. When I'm done I feel my phone vibrate, I look to see Scarlett texted me a link.

Scarlett 😊:
Has Lizzie seen this??

I click on the link and my heart stops. Its a picture of Robbie with his arms around some girl and it looks like they're gonna kiss.

I don't know! I'm with Tom, when was this??

Scarlett 😊:
Today! I tried calling her but she didn't answer. Can you go check on her? I doubt she'll unlock the door for me.

Of course I will! Tom might be mad but that's fine I gotta check on Lizzie.

Scarlett 😊:
Thank you! Let me know if she's ok❤️

I will! Text you in a little bit

I quickly run back into the room where Tom sits setting his phone on the couch. "There you are, I was beginning to think you fell in the toilet." He laughs and I roll my eyes.

"No I was texting Scarlett, did you order the pizza already?" I check.

"Yep. It said about thirty minutes till it's here" He gets up as I sigh frustratedly. "Is everything ok?" I shake my head and open my phone showing him what Scarlett sent me. "Oh shit. Has Lizzie seen it?"

"I don't know but I have to go home and check if she's ok! I'm so sorry" I wait for him to get mad but all he does is sigh then smile at me.

"It's ok! Go check on Lizzie and then when the pizza comes I can bring it over and we can all eat together. Is that ok?" He smiles as I nod giving him a big hug.

"You're an amazing best friend! I'll see you in a little bit!" I squeeze him tightly making him laugh then I grab my bag and keys leaving his apartment. I quickly drive off to Lizzies, when I arrive I try opening the door but it's locked. "Good thing she gave me a key yesterday" I unlock the door shoving my keys back in my bag. "Lizzie!?" I shut the door locking it behind me. I run upstairs throwing my bag in my room then run into Lizzies room. I find her sitting on her bed with tissues scattered in front of her as she sobs into her hands.

I run over scooting the snotty tissues away from in front of her. I climb on the bed and pull her into me hugging her tightly. "What- Y/n!?"

"Lizzie I'm here, Scarlett showed me the picture. I'm so sorry" She shakes her head pushing me off of her, "what?"

"You shouldn't be here, you should be with Tom. You promised to hangout with him." She sniffles as more tears fall down her cheeks.

"He understands. I had to come check on you Lizzie, I'm not just gonna leave you here crying all alone.." She looks at me bitting her bottom lip as she tries to contain herself. I open my arms again smiling softly at her. She immediate latches onto my shirt sobbing into my chest as I hug her tightly.

"Why would he do this.. I always suspected he was cheating but I never wanted to believe it!" She cries as I rub her back slowly placing my other hand on the back of her head as she cries harder into my chest. God this is breaking my heart seeing her like this.

"I don't know why he'd do this.. you're an amazing person Lizzie. He's a complete and utter idiot for cheating on you. I'd never EVER do that" I hold her closer as she moves her arms down and around my sides. "You don't need him, he doesn't deserve you if he can so easily cheat on you. Why would anyone want to cheat on you? You're so freaking amazing, sweet, beautiful, funny, I can go on and on."

"You think so?" Lizzie sniffles as she pulls back to be face to face with me.

I chuckle bring my hand up to her cheek wiping her tears away, she closes her eyes leaning into my touch. "I know so. You don't deserve to be put through this, he's an asshole" I kiss her forehead and pull her back into another hug.

"Thank you Y/n..." She begins crying again holding me closer to her as she buries her face into my chest.

"Why are you thanking me silly?" I chuckle as she shakes her head. "You're a dork. Tom should be here soon with Pizza"

Lizzie pulls back taking a deep breathe, "Ok, I'm gonna wash my face and text Robbie. Go wait downstairs for him I'll meet you down in a few minutes"

"Are you sure? I can stay up here with you" I check with her.

She smiles kissing my cheek, "I'm sure, you can go wait. Thank you"

"Any time" I smile grabbing her hand giving it a small squeeze before it heading downstairs to wait for Tom.

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