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Watching all of this play out made me want to scream and cry, but I knew if I ran over there that I would only get in the way or worst, get Takemitchy killed. Seeing Mikey beat Takemitchy over and over again was terrifying and sad. Even when Takemitchy was able to dodge a lot of the blows, things took a turn and got even worse. I heard Mikey explain the reason for his dark impulse. How it brought all of this darkness about. So many deaths and I knew he blamed himself and that's why he decided to be this way instead of fighting it.

It hurt him too much thinking it was his fault, but it wasn't!

He looked in my direction with a cool expression before turning back to Takemitchy and saying something I couldn't hear. When they suddenly went back to fighting, I clenched my fists until blood ran through my fingers.

I hate this.


My legs started to move as I tried to go and help but I suddenly felt frozen in my steps, like I wasn't able to move because I was being forced to stay still.

What....is this?!?!!?!?!

Don't be a dumbass. Takemitchy has come this far.

I tried to keep going but it quickly became even harder to move.

Please stop! Let me help them. PLEASE!

Mahal please don't. Don't do this. Stay back. Please for once just listen to me!

Tears welled up in my eyes at Izana's voice, but I kept trying until I felt a cold wind and light arms wrap around me to hold me in place.

I know this is you...your heart...but please listen to Izana. Or me. Please.

What am I supposed to do? Hide and keep myself safe? If I did that, even if it meant I would be able to marry Mitsuya and have our daughter, I would be nothing but a sham every time I say I love anyone. How could I ever leave this world and see Emma again or Draken or Baji or anyone if I don't keep trying!?!?!?

"I have to try...I'm so sorry but I won't give up!"

The faces of all I hold dear flashed through my mind from the ending to the beginning but felt so much more pain well up inside as the past I had built with them was now blurry. I can't remember how I met any of them or even any big moments with them at all. All I have is this feeling I can't let go of but I want to remember.

Is this what that jerk meant about my soul dying? I won't even be able to hold onto memories before I even die?!

Even still...

I took more and more steps until I was running at full speed toward Mikey with everything I had.

I haven't come this far to give up. I refuse to give up on anyone EVER. I won't give up on Souya or Nahoya. I won't give up on Chifuyu or Yamagishi. I won't give up on Ran or Rindou. Not one person in my life is worth giving up.


I have them all in my heart. Even if the future is different and isn't with Mitsuya, saving any of them is worth the cost.

I won't give up on any of them and that sure as hell includes Mikey!

No matter what he thinks or how much he hurts, I still believe Mikey is worth it!

Ran's POV

After this huge news that was told about Mikey and Takemitchy, including that he knew Y/n was trustworthy from the beginning but didn't want to risk ruining their relationship by burdening her, it was no wonder no one else saw her running toward danger once again. Only when she was just a few feet away did he see her and take off to grab her.


She could actually die! I can't let her! Doesn't she know how much I love her...I swear I'm an idiot for never saying it! I should've told her as soon as I knew it! I swear I'll do it if I get another chance.


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