Give It Up To Go Back

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His hand gently gripped my chin before leaning in to give me a light kiss. He smiled at me before turning to the little girl. "Mommy looks tired today, so why don't you go ahead and play in your room so she can rest a bit."

"K, daddy!" I watched as the little girl raced to her room but stopped to turn and come back. She put her arms up for a hug and I bent down to pick her up with all the care in the world. "Don't be too tired, Mommy. I get grouchy when I'm tired, so don't do that, k?" She jumped down once again to race to her room.

Mitsuya wrapped his arms around me from behind, making my heart race. "Our little creation is quite the handful, yeah?"


When did I jump? Why? I don't think Takemitchy jumped, so what happened?!?!?

"You're thinking of them again. You're quiet." He placed a kiss on my shoulder and began moving me to the bathroom. I still couldn't speak. "Eight years ago today, everything changed. We went to fight and both sides lost a leader. I'm so glad I got you out of there."

My heart began to race as he finished running the bathwater while I tried to process what he was saying. "I'm sure Hina misses Takemitchy. We all do and always will. If Mikey hadn't done what he did, maybe someone would miss him, too. After what he did, I really don't care that he killed himself after. He deserved worst."

WHAT?!?!? WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!

They're both dead now!?!?!?!?

As Mitsuya moved to turn the water off, his movements, along with everything else slowed down until it came to a complete stop. I clawed at my chest as pain rose up so strong, I thought I would vomit. Even with no one moving around me and being surrounded by utter silence, I felt my soul scream loud with pain.

"Y/n." I start bawling when I turned to see Emma standing beside me with Draken. My body shakes with this overwhelming news all in the space of an hour.

"Emma, what is this?!?!?! I don't understand!" Choked sobs echoed in the still space. Emma smiled softly at me before looking at Draken with sad eyes.

His eyes were intense. "This is when you're Mrs. Takashi Mitsuya. It's nine years into the future and you have a daughter." His eyes were overshadowed with grief. "It's also eight years since Takemitchy was killed by Mikey, with Mikey killing himself shortly after."

Before I could speak, he cut me off. "If you choose to stay away from the fight, this is your future."

This future is filled with the peace I've always wanted and hoped for....I want this....but...

Tears rolled down my cheeks as one question clawed its way from my throat.

"What if I choose to go and fight?" It came out as a whisper.

"Go where?" Mitsuya was moving again, standing in front of me with his hands holding my face. "What's going on in the pretty mind of yours, love?"

I did my best to hide my thoughts with a smile. "I'm just really tired, Taka." He nodded knowingly but didn't move away.

"I love you. You know that, right? Since then, till now and into forever." With that, he pulled me closer for a passionate kiss. He leaned his forehead against mine for a moment before pulling away. "Relax. I'll take care of Akie." With that, he turned to check on our daughter, closing the door behind him to give me privacy.

I looked at the water and then up at my reflection.

This is the first time I've ever felt so cared safe.

I finished bathing and found my pajamas in one of the drawers. It looks like what he made me before. A silk set with a dragon cut out, but this time up the sides of the bottoms. I admired it for a moment longer before slipping it on and walking out and right into Mitsuya. He smiled brightly at me. "She is currently playing with one of the hundreds of plushies you bought her but in dreamland." He snickered softly before placing a soft kiss on my forehead as he pulled my tense body against his.

This future....I want it! I don't want it to end...but they're dead. Takemitchy didn't deserve that! What kind of person would I be if I had the power that gives me a chance at helping others and I decided to play it safe because I'm tired?

He could tell I was still struggling and smiled at me. "I have to finish up a project for my new show. I'll wait for you in the bedroom, okay?" I nodded and watched as he moved toward the room down the hall, light switching on as he entered. Tears ran down like rivers at the thought of this never happening.

I walked to the opposite side of the house, straight into the kitchen and pulled a slicing knife from one of the drawers.

I'm so sorry, Taka! But I have to try!

I gripped the blade with both hands, closed my eyes, and quickly pushed the blade into my throat.

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