Mikey...Please Stop

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I checked over him as he sputtered and coughed blood. "Who did this?!?" I tried to pick him up without caring if I could or not when he gripped my hand. I made eye contact with him as he was trying to find enough air to tell me something. I leaned closer to him to hear him better and felt fear.

"Run...Mikey...will kill you." As if hearing his name, I saw him begin to fight South with such ferocity, I was left speechless at the sight. Kakucho's pleas fell on deaf ears as I could sense how dire the situation now was.

He's going to kill him....!

Takemitchy was up before I could get there, and I reasoned it was for the best.

He has to listen to Takemitchy. It can't be too late.

Hearing the sudden pained screams of Takemitchy as Mikey broke his arm in two, I couldn't help but scream along at the deadly force he used to finish South. I got up running when I saw him start beating Takemitchy, and tried to desperately pull Mikey off by hitting, screaming, anything. "You're gonna kill him!"

He turned and grabbed me by the throat, lifting me in the air before tossing me to the side like a rag doll. I was so surprised that the pain didn't register until I tried to stand. Tears blurred my vision as pain radiated up my entire body like a furnace, but I couldn't scream. It felt as though my throat was swollen so bad that breathing was more than difficult.

It felt impossible.

I hadn't even been able to get up off the ground and felt as though I was frozen watching him beat Takemitchy. I felt everything around me darken as voice got closer to me.

"He could've killed her this time!"

"I know, Kakucho."

"Hey, Princess. Let's get you somewhere safe..."

Can I be safe?

What's the point...if everyone I love....isn't safe but I am?

I could feel myself being lifted and taken away. As I began to lose consciousness while trying to focus on if Takemitchy was alright, I could see Mikey again in my minds' eye.

"I want more."

"Are you going to keep your promise?"

"I never hated you. I hated myself."

"Stop whoring around."

All of my happiest memories of him....are starting to become overshadowed by the darkest ones now.

My eyes fluttered to Mikey walking away as if nothing happened. The sight caused my chest to burn immensely before I finally fell unconscious.

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