Mitsuya's Pain

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A/N: Let's see how you feel after the next few chapters

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A/N: Let's see how you feel after the next few chapters.

The rest of the day became such a struggle with what I know I saw at the front of my mind. It made no sense, but I couldn't deny a familiar warmth at the scene, which left me even more confused. It felt like a time leap, but Takemitchy didn't go anywhere, and this didn't look like what I usually see. Inupi said I just suddenly froze in my steps, so he grabbed me to get me to wake up out of concern. I could tell it didn't just scare him, but all of them. I made sure to let them know I was fine with a smile, which wasn't hard since this vision wasn't the least bit painful.

I followed slowly behind them to go see Mitsuya, still deep in thought. My soul almost left my body when Hakkai screamed for him at the top of his lungs, making me let out a squeak of fear before turning to stare at him wild-eyed. When a sudden shush came, I turned to see the sweetest little girl I had ever seen.

She kind of looks a little like...


I shook my head again at the girl I had heard before and did my best to focus on the here and now. When we were shown Mitsuya, Luna looked so worried for her big brother. Feeling a tug at my heart for the little girl, I pulled her to the side and got her something to eat and drink. I knew how scared she was about Mitsuya and smiled knowing she loves him just as much as he loves her as I cooked lunch. I put it in front of her before sitting down next to her as we waited for her brother to finish talking to Takemitchy.

She ate quietly and I nudged her side softly with my pointer finger. "Mitsuya isn't just super cool, ya know." I said with a bright smile. My random comment seemed to get her attention. "He's also strong! Not just physically, either." I picked her small form up and placed her in my lap. "He's hurting now, but it won't stop him. He'll come back even better. That's why he's so cool and that's also why he misses his friend. His friend reminded him of that, but he'll see that the reminder sticks with us even when they're gone. You'll see. Just be patient with your big brother, okay?"

I felt her body shake as she buried her face in my chest to cry. I held her closely, rocking us back and forth in an effort to calm her down before singing a lullaby.

Mitsuya's POV

She hadn't heard him come back inside and he couldn't help but watch her. He had heard what she said and hearing her sing brought tears to his eyes. Draken was his friend, and he didn't want to let him down. It was all he could think about but here Y/n is, and she knew he could make him proud.

Mitsuya was the kind to believe you know more about a person when you stand to the side and watch them. If they're trustworthy or not, you can figure out their tells just by being attentive to their behaviors. When she was introduced, he already knew from her bright personality and slightly awkward behavior that she lived with her heart on her shoulder. Seeing her now reminded him of when Draken caught him staring at her one day and started laughing at him.

He made a point to never approach her out of respect for Mikey, because he knew Mikey liked her, even though the idiot wouldn't make it obvious. This was one of his biggest regrets. She had to endure so much and like Draken, she endured the worst parts by herself, and he isn't sure if he will ever be able to forgive himself for that.

He'll never forget two of the biggest moments he had with her.

The first was when he offered to help her get home from the hospital after Bloody Halloween. He couldn't understand the look she had then, but he does now. She had a look of brokenness and why wouldn't she? He didn't blame her for not wanting to be around him after that, though he can't deny it hurt quite a bit.

The second was when he was hit with a brick by Ran Haitani. How she held him in her lap and waited until the ambulance came. She could've gotten hurt too, but she stayed regardless. He remembers feeling her tears land on his face as consciousness left him. By the time he woke up again, so much was going on that he never got a moment alone with her. He never got to thank her.

He moved to get back to work quickly before his tears would make it impossible to do anything more.

I won't fail you, Draken.

Or her.

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