Slice of Life

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Y/n's POV

Hakkai came to visit often. Over a few weeks, he seemed to be trying to overcome his own fear and insecurities by consistently visiting me. It warmed my heart to know he was trying, but I worried that he may be trying too hard. The day came for me to be released only a day after Hakkai told me he was expecting Takemitchy. He let me lean against him as we made our way out of the hospital since I still had a slight limp. As we continued to the meeting place, he seemed to have something on his mind.

" wanna come see him and then maybe Taka-chan?" His words sounded so unsure, but I smiled brightly in response. It felt so wonderful to be invited to be around them after everything. I worried about them every day and even though I was sure Chifuyu hated me now, I still want them all to be happy and safe.

"Sure, Kai!" My response must've distracted him because he almost face planted on the concrete while trying to simultaneously hold me upright as well as keeping himself upright and steady. The reaction scared me a bit. He cleared his throat and I spoke up once I made sure he was okay. "If you need a break, it's totally fine! Don't overwhelm yourself, okay?"

Hakkai gave me a look from the corner of his eye, and I smiled to show understanding.

She really doesn't get it. I almost had a heart attack when she called me Kai out of the blue!

I had thought his stares meant he was debating on doing this but was hesitating because he thought he would hurt my feelings, but before I could open my mouth, "Let's go. Chifuyu will be there, too."

I froze at his words, and he gave me a panicked look. "I don't think I should go after all..." I mumbled. "He was angry with me for still wanting to help Mikey. He's lost a lot, everyone has, but...I didn't think he would end up hating me..." Hakkai gripped me around my waist a bit tighter to pull me with him. I felt like I was being dragged to my doom knowing Chifuyu had been blind with rage before.

"The only...person who it would make sense for you to believe that is the same jerk who put you in the hospital two times." Hakkai's words chilled me to the bone. "You and Takemitchy are similar but with him, it doesn't suck as bad."

Suck? Why would it be okay for him and suck for me?

Before I could ask, he cut me off. "Look, they're here already!" I looked around at our surroundings and realized we were at Draken's shop. I couldn't help but smile at the chance to see Inupi again but that was quickly overshadowed with dread when I heard the voice of Chifuyu.

"Hakkai, can I talk to her for a minute?"

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