'Sup, Takemitchy!?

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I have managed to keep a low profile even with all of my extracurricular activities. I wake up. I train. I eat and go to school, and on my way home, I take every detour I can think of to make sure no one is in trouble. I haven't officially met all of Toman's members, but since I was reborn here, I know what they look like and do my best to look out for them.

With one catch.

I was able to help Baji and Chifuyu when Chifuyu was attacked and Baji saved him. It was an accident ending up there in the first place, but I was already dressed to assist when I needed. Besides. I hate seeing Chifuyu get hurt.

When I appeared, the scumbags fighting them asked if I was their little boyfriend.

Let me explain.

I don't want it to be obvious who I am. So when I go out, basically looking for trouble, I wear a black leather jacket with padding underneath it as well as a set up similar to that of a corset. Meaning it has a type of bone underneath the torso and in the arms of the jacket. The difference is the bones aren't plastic.

The first jerk that came my way, all I really had to do was quickstep out of his way and bring my arm down on the back of his head to knock him off balance while I bring my back leg up and around behind his knees.

Baji started laughing and said, "You guys are screwed now!"

"That guy took him out in 2 hits?!?!?"

Yes, I did. The bones throughout my jacket are actually thin metal plates. The arms plates are not connected, so it is still relatively easy to move around while fighting.

Basically, I hit him with metal and took out his legs.



I got so excited when we won, I let out a very audible, "YES!" Before freezing and remembering I am supposed to be in disguise. A QUIET disguise. I'M SUCH A DOOFUS.

I turned toward them, did a quick bow, and ran for it. I heard them calling after me to wait, but I can't.

I've been doing things like that since I knew Id be staying here. I trained to be stronger, but didn't tell Emma, Mikey, or Draken. For Emma and Mikey especially, I felt bad for hiding things from them. Every time they ask where I got a bruise or a cut, I would dodge like crazy. I don't want to lie. So I don't. But I can't tell them either.

It's been a few months of this, and I don't think anyone is suspicious. However, I have been getting an extraordinary amount of attention from pervy jerks.

Been at school just long enough to be the target of flirting to the point that I have to run away and hide so I don't get in trouble and so they don't catch me.


Today was another day like that. Freaking perv grabbed my a...HE GRABBED ME. So I am attempting to find a place to hide, but suddenly heard their voices getting closer from ahead of me, and MORE of this doofus possie coming from behind.

If I wasn't afraid of disappointing my aunt for fighting on schoolgrounds, I'd be the snot out of them.

As soon as I saw what looked like one of those criminal cretins, I ducked into the first door I saw.

"Hey!" Yamagishi squeaked.

"I seriously chose to hide in the guy's restroom? Are you kidding me???" I choked out in frustration.

I heard the door open and quickly ran into one of the stalls and quietly closed the door behind me. Before they could tell or see my feet at all, I did what I call a spidey move, and put a foot on opposite ends of the stall and held myself up with my hands and uncomfortable placed feet.

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