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Eight Months Later|May

"Our oldest baby girl is graduating high school today." Sasha smiled at her husband as they were getting ready for Hannah's high school graduation. They could not believe that she was graduating high school. However, they felt like the proudest parents on earth for all of their children.

"She is. We've been parents for eighteen years, baby. You're a damn good mom, beautiful. I'm proud of you for raising our daughter to be the amazing, young woman she is today." Dean proudly grinned, passionately kissing his wife.

"And I'm proud of you for being a damn good dad babe! You helped me raise our baby girl, along with our four other amazing kids! You and I for life, baby!" She cheered as they let go of their kiss.

"Forever and always, beautiful." He chuckled, kissing his wife again. The two finished getting ready, as well as making sure that their four children were ready to go.

"Hey mom." Hannah smiled, seeing Sasha walk in her room.

"Hey honey, ready to go?" Sasha asked as she would drop off Hannah. Then, she would come back to get her husband and children.

"Yes, I am! Thank you for being the mom that you are, mom! I would not be where I am without you!" The blonde beamed, hugging her tightly. Sasha thanked her as they headed to the arena where they would have the graduation ceremony.

The graduation ceremony went well. Hannah, Everett, and Mavis all graduated together as Everett ended up transferring to their high school. He wanted to spend his senior year with his lover. Sasha and Becky were emotional seeing their oldest children graduate. With that being said, they were still the proudest mothers of their daughters.

"Dude! We did it!" Mavis cheered, hugging her best friend tight. The ceremony was now over and the two lifelong besties wanted to share an emotional moment together.

"Yes! I love you Mavis! We've been besties since we were babies, I cannot wait to see what our adult lives have in store for us!" Hannah beamed.

"I love you Hannah! Me either, let's make our dreams come true!" She squealed as the two hugged. Now that they were out of school, Hannah and Mavis would travel and do their best to make their biggest dreams come true. That was to be top dance choreographers.

Sasha and Dean could not be any more proud of Hannah Elizabeth. A part of their story together was closing as their oldest daughter was growing up, leaving the nest. Sasha being pregnant with Hannah ultimately is what brought her and Dean closer together. Sasha would forever be eternally grateful for Dean and that he saved her, along with her baby girl.

He found her at her lowest, bringing back new love and light in her life. Nothing would ever compare, ever.

You Found Me (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose) Where stories live. Discover now