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"Alright, we are ready to go." Sasha beamed at her husband a week later. They just dropped Hannah off with Bob and Holly so they could go to the first ultrasound of their second baby. The couple hasn't told anyone yet. They wanted to make sure everything was good and wanted to tell Hannah before breaking the news.

"Let's go see our baby." Dean grinned, softly kissing his wife's hand. They were so excited that she was pregnant again and to expand their family. Now, they just wanted to make sure everyone was healthy.

After a short drive, Sasha and Dean arrived at her OBG/YN's office. She got herself checked in and they had to wait a bit before she got called back to a room. Her doctor did a normal examination as Sasha looked very healthy. Then, they proceeded with the ultrasound.

"Oh my gosh! Baby's so tiny!" Sasha squealed as they heard the heartbeat and saw their baby for the first time.

"Yes, I would say you're measuring about eight weeks and two days along." Her doctor smiled as Sasha and Dean were even more excited.

"Another little one to love." Dean chuckled as they were in awe of seeing their second baby on the ultrasound for the first time.

Soon after, they cleaned Sasha up and gave the happily married couple the ultrasound photos. They also estimated Sasha's due date to be September Twenty Third. They were so excited that everyone was healthy. The two also made a stop to get Hannah something special for when they'd tell her she'd be a big sister. Now, they were on their way to pick up Hannah from Seth's parents home.

"Hannah, we have a surprise for you when we get home." Sasha smiled, looking in the back seat at their almost four year old daughter.

"What is it mommy?" She asked, her big blue eyes looking up to her mother.

"I can't tell you, then it won't be a surprise silly." She grinned as Hannah started giggling. They got home about an hour later after they got ice cream, as Sasha set up the gifts in the living room while Dean got Hannah bathed and in some clean pajamas since she would eat going to bed after her surprise.

"Alright Hannah, you ready?" Sasha beamed as she, Hannah, and Dean were in the living room and she saw her presents.

"Yes mommy!" She giggled before opening up her gift bags to see her stuffed animals. She was confused when she saw the card, so she brought it to Sasha for help.

"Let's read it together, ok?" Sasha said as Hannah nodded her head.

"Mommy has a baby in her tummy," she started as they went slowly.

"You are going to be a big sister!" Sasha grinned as Hannah began giggling.

"There's a baby in your tummy mommy?" Hannah asked.

"Yeah, you're going to be a big sister, sweet girl." She grinned before Hannah looked at Dean.

"What do you think, princess?" Dean asked his daughter.

"I love baby!" She giggled before hugging both Sasha and Dean.

"You'll be such a good big sissy, Hannah." Sasha smiled as she was trying not to cry.

"You will. But just because mommy's having a baby doesn't mean we don't love you. We'll still play with you and do mama and Hannah days or daddy and Hannah days." Dean reassured her as Hannah nodded her head. Sasha and Dean were so relieved to know that Hannah was excited and now they could enjoy the first few moments of being pregnant and now transitioning to become a family of four.

You Found Me (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose) Where stories live. Discover now