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Hannah and Mavis celebrated a successful night with their friends and family. Everyone was so proud of the two teen girls. Hannah and Mavis were very proud of themselves as well.

However, they were just getting started. Similar to other live dance shows, they would be live every Monday night from now until the final episode around October. The two girls were back at the rehearsal studio getting ready for the next week's episode.

It would get more intense every week. Everyone had two dances to rehearse for the next episode. They would each have a solo and a duet with a random partner. Hannah and Mavis already knew their solos. However, they just found out their duets. Mavis was fine with hers. Hannah was very excited for hers as she was paired with Everett.

"Okay, so I've never done a ballroom dance. Let alone a salsa." Hannah giggled as she and Everett were rehearsing their salsa ballroom dance they would perform the next week.

"That's okay! That's what I'm here for." Everett chuckled. The two began rehearsing their dance together. However, Everett really had to help Hannah during the rehearsal. He didn't mind, he just was unaware of how shy and awkward she was.

"Sorry." She said as Everett was helping her. Hannah really needed to bring out a different side of her for this dance. It was a side that she has not yet explored with herself.

"Don't apologize, we'll get you there." He reassured her with a smile as the two continued on with rehearsal, growing closer.

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