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"Bayley!" Sasha beamed, running over to hug her best friend.

Three weeks later was SummerSlam. They were in Los Angeles, California for the biggest party of the summer. Bayley came with Austin as Finn had a huge match himself. She also wanted to see her best friends as well since they didn't see each other all of the time like they used to. Sasha was just excited to see her best friend.

"What's up champ? I cannot wait for your match!" Bayley grinned after the two let go of their hug.

"Thanks dude, just champin' around." She giggled before Sasha hugged Austin.

Finn ended up coming by to see Sasha for a bit before taking Austin. He knew his wife wanted to spend time with her girls, and he could use the time with their son. After Austin went with Finn, the two met up with Becky and Charlotte.

"There they are!" Charlotte smiled as she and Becky went to hug their two best friends.

"We're so excited to watch you Sash! How are you feelin'?" Becky asked as the girls grabbed some water and a quick seat for a moment.

"I'm so excited and nervous, I've never had a match this style so it will definitely be interesting." She giggled before seeing a text on her phone.

"Oh shit." Sasha said as the girls got confused.

"What?" The three nearly simultaneously replied at their electric blue haired friend.

"Well we're kicking off the night now so I gotta run to get ready." She said, excusing herself.

Sasha went to her hair and makeup artists first. They were able to get her ready just in time. She had her hair pin straight as well as a smokey red eye makeup look on with a dark red lipstick combination. It would match her gear, which was red, black, and white. Once her makeup and hair was done, she quickly went to get her gear on as she met her husband on their bus.

"Sexy." Dean winked as he saw his wife dressed and ready for their match.

"After, let's go." She motioned as they nearly had to run to gorilla.

The two quickly made it to gorilla. They watched the opening promo for SummerSlam. After that was the video package for their storyline leading up to this much more intense match. Once that was finished, Lacey and Baron made their entrances. Shortly after, Sasha and Dean made their entrances as well.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Let the war begin.

The four began the match teeing off on each other. Once things eventually settled down, Sasha and Lacey officially kicked it off. The two went back and forth, showing her ground and pound style as well as Sasha's high flying abilities. Dean and Baron came into the match as well after a few minutes.

Sasha and Dean were able to take them out as well by putting them through a table each. The match was intense and met the expectations everyone wanted. It came down to the ending. Sasha put Lacey Evans through one more table. After Lacey was out of the equation, Sasha slid back inside the ring as Baron Corbin hit her with his finisher, end of days. Dean got irate in character seeing that, so he went to town with a steel chair on Baron. The match ended as Dean hit two dirty deeds on him, getting the pin fall victory.

"Baby you ok?" Dean asked. Sasha was so good at selling, he couldn't tell if she was legitimately hurt sometimes or not.

"Yeah I'm good." She nodded as they raised their arms as well as championships high in the air for victory. A hell of a battle, but one they could finally put behind them and move on to the next storyline and person. Although the two loved working together, Sasha and Dean definitely wanted to move on to some new people and new storylines separately. They would find out soon enough who they would be.

You Found Me (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose) Where stories live. Discover now