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"Babe! Look!" Sasha squealed a few days later. WWE made an official post about Sasha getting inducted into the Hall of Fame. All the fans knew now.

"There you are baby! I'm so proud of you!" Dean proudly grinned as he passionately kissed his wife. He was so happy for her to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Sasha worked her ass off. This was her moment and to receive her flowers for all of her hard work, blood, sweat, tears, and dedication.

"Thank you babe, I can't wait!" She beamed as she got some time with her husband before Hannah woke up from a nap.


"I'll be right back." Sasha said to her husband three weeks later. She has been feeling sick as well as a missed period. She and Dean have been trying to get pregnant for the last two months, so Sasha had her fingers crossed that this was it. She wanted more babies with her husband, expanding their family. However, Sasha wanted to be fully healed from both injuries before trying. Now that she was healed and healthy, Sasha was hoping it would be the right time.

"Alright baby, do what you need to do." Dean responded before sitting on the edge of their bed. Sasha took care of her business before setting a timer for three minutes. It's what the directions said to do on the box. She nearly jolted up when the timer went off. Once she stopped it from ringing, she opened the door to let her husband in.

"Whatever's meant to be, will be." He comforted her, kissing her hand. Sasha nodded her head. She carefully turned over the three tests she took before gasping.

"No fucking way!" Sasha gasped with a huge smile and tears rolling down her face. She showed her husband as well.

"You're pregnant! We're having a baby!" Dean grinned, cupping Sasha's face and giving her a long, loving kiss.

"We're having another baby!" She nearly sobbed while holding on to her husband tight.

"We sure are, beautiful! This is the best news ever!" He grinned as the two shared another loving kiss. They were so excited to finally expand their family. Good family, party of four would be coming soon.

You Found Me (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose) Where stories live. Discover now