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Three Months Later

"I cannot believe our baby girl is one." Sasha pouted as she and Dean were eating breakfast. It was Hannah's first birthday, so they were having a party for her. Everyone was coming, as they were super excited. Sasha was a bit emotional at her baby girl growing up, but loved being her mama and watching her grow.

"I know, the best year of our lives." Dean smiled over at his fiancée.

"Definitely has! Having her, telling our friends about us being together, getting engaged, moving in together, getting ready to return and get married. It's been the best year of my life! I just can't believe how big she is now." Sasha admitted as this truly was the happiest year of her life so far.

"No where else I'd rather be than with my girls. I'm the happiest I've been too baby. I'm glad everything worked out between us." He admitted before going over to kiss his woman.

"Me too babe. You ready to decorate?" She asked with a smile as Dean nodded his head.

They decorated Hannah's room while she was sleeping, so she had something fun to wake up to. They were doing a farm animal theme, since Hannah was obsessed with them. Especially cows and pigs. Sasha wanted to give her everything she didn't have as a child, which she was doing pretty damn good at.

Even though Hannah wouldn't remember it, Sasha and Dean would. They wanted to create these memories for Hannah to look back on as she got older. They wanted to have the memories for themselves. Good, bad, and ugly. Today though, would be the good ones.

"I hear the birthday girl." Dean smiled an hour later. They had just about everything decorated. Seth and Becky, with Mavis, would be bringing the big balloons along with Hannah's cake. Everything else was done, so now it was time for just the three of them to celebrate.

"Hi baby girl! Happy birthday!" Sasha beamed as they saw Hannah waking up with a big smile on her face.

"Happy first birthday princess!" Dean grinned as they got Hannah out of her crib. Then cuddling with her and peppering her with kisses on her chubby cheeks.

"My cute little family!" Sasha giggled as they put Hannah in her high chair, feeding her some breakfast. Dean chuckled as he saw his fiancée so happy, just enjoying the morning as the three of them before everyone came over.

The party was so much fun. Sasha was glad to see everyone. Hannah was having so much fun and was so happy. That warmed both Sasha and Dean's hearts to see their baby so happy. Sasha was a bit emotional throughout the day, but was happy nonetheless.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday sweet baby Hannah! Happy birthday to you!" They sang before they placed the smash cake down for Hannah.

Sasha and Dean blew out her candle as everyone was taking photos and videos for them. After blowing out the candle, they helped feed Hannah some cake before her little fingers got some icing on Sasha and Dean's face. After cleaning her face, Sasha grabbed a few tissues as she felt the tears coming.

"Awww mama! It's okay!" Bayley grinned as she went over to hug Sasha, making her cry a bit more.

"I'm okay! It's just a big day!" Sasha giggled before wiping her tears.

"It's ok sis! I was the same way with Mavy, you know that." Becky smiled before hugging Sasha as well, the three walking back to their friends and Sasha's daughter.

"I just can't believe she's one! It's been an amazing year, but it's like holy shit I have a one year old!" Sasha explained before everyone began laughing.

"She's the best though!" Charlotte beamed over at Sasha.

Sasha and Dean were so happy that the day was successful. They had so much fun celebrating their baby girl. Hannah was so happy all day and they could tell she had so much fun with the other kids, as well as her whole family together. Even though it was a little hard for Sasha, she was just so incredibly lucky and blessed to have an amazing daughter and fiancé. She had the best little family and was so happy at what the last year brought them. She couldn't wait to see what would be coming their way next.

You Found Me (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose) Where stories live. Discover now