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Two weeks had passed. Hannah and Mavis just competed on the third episode of their first ever live dance show they were competing on. It was an emotional night as well.

It was an emotional night as tonight was an episode dedicated to everyone's most memorable years or moments in their lives. Hannah chose to do a duet with Everett. It was to the song Every Breath You Take by Aaron Krause and Liza Anne. It was dedicated to Dean, as it was based on when he adopted Hannah. The time when he saved her and Sasha.

Their duet was a lyrical routine. Hannah tried her best not to look at her parents, knowing she would lose it and break character during the dance. After the dance was over, the three shared an emotional embrace. It also meant the world to Hannah that Everett helped her bring this dance to life. They were extremely close now too. Time would tell as to what would happen with their friendship.

"Thank you for doing this with me." Hannah sniffled as she was still crying, her and Everett sharing a sweet embrace.

"Of course, Hannah. I am very happy for you and your family. You and your dad have a great relationship. It was an honor to bring that to life." Everett smiled, wiping away some of her tears as well.

"Thank you, you're the best." She whispered while catching her breath.

"Hannah, can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, absolutely. Sorry if I seem emotional while you talk. I'm still trying to clear up." She gave off a laugh, looking into Everett's chocolate colored eyes.

"No, it's okay. But uh, I really really like you. More than a friend. I know you went through some crap a few months ago with an ex boyfriend and a best friend. But, I do like you more than a friend. Some romance if you will." He gave off a smile as Hannah was beaming ear to ear.

"I really like you too, Everett! Some romance if you will." She snickered, repeating what he said.

"Well, we both like each other."

"That we do."

"Why don't we go out on a date? See how things go? If you're uncomfortable or if it doesn't work out, then we can remain friends and great dance partners." He offered as Hannah was blushing and beaming.

"I would love that! You tell me when and where, and if I need to dress fancy." She giggled as they shared another hug.

"Sounds like a date." He winked before letting her go celebrate with her family. Hannah felt so giddy again to go on a date with Everett. They would find out how far they could go with each other on this new embarked journey.

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