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Two Weeks Later

"Ready to go baby?" Dean asked his wife as he helped her in the car.

Two weeks had passed since Sasha retired from wrestling. She got her nose fixed after they got home from being on the road. Now, she was having her arm surgery. She broke her arm near her elbow and had three torn tendons in her arm as well. Luckily, Seth's parents were keeping Hannah so Dean could help Sasha recover. Sasha was just hoping for a smooth surgery and recovery.

"Yep, ready to get my arm fixed." She gave a tired smile before they headed to the hospital.

"It'll all go good, baby. When we get home you can get some sleep and relax." He reassured her before kissing the top of her hand.

After a short drive, the two arrived at the hospital. Dean got Sasha checked in and admitted as well before she got called back to her room. It didn't take long for them to prep her for her surgery. Dean kept reassuring her during the process as he could tell his wife was extremely nervous.

"I'll be right here when you wake up baby, I love you." He chuckled as she was already in and out of it. Dean kissed her head and walked with them up until they got to the operating room. After she was in, he headed downstairs in the lobby to wait for her.

About two and a half hours later, the surgeon came out to talk to Dean. Sasha's surgery was successful and she was in the recovery room. The surgeon lead Dean to his wife's room so he could sit with her. She was still asleep so he didn't bother with her too much. It wasn't until she got back to her room where she was a bit more alert.

"Is, is my arm fixed?" Sasha asked while looking around the room.

"Mhm. It just has to heal from the surgery babygirl." Dean nodded before kissing her cheek.

"Okay. Can I go home yet?" She asked with a small smile.

"Soon enough, love. Soon enough." He chuckled as he cared and tended to his wife for the rest of the day.

You Found Me (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz