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One Week Later|New Year's Eve

"Alright, Han's asleep." Dean said one week later as he just laid Hannah down for the night.

"Good. Now it's some time for mom and dad." Sasha giggled before sipping on her glass of wine.

"Mhm. Happy New Year's Eve baby." He grinned as she reciprocated the same back to him.

The two were going to go out, but decided last minute to just enjoy each other's company quietly in their own home. They wanted some private time together especially since they would be getting extremely busy after the new year. They were headed towards the Royal Rumble, which kicked off the road to WrestleMania. It would be the busiest time of the year for them. So, they wanted to enjoy the calm before the storm.

"I'm so glad we decided to do this instead. Just enjoying the night with you is what I wanted to do." She beamed as they were cuddled on the couch enjoying a movie while their daughter was asleep upstairs in her bedroom.

"Me too beautiful." He said before Sasha checked her phone. She hopped online to see that WWE had made an announcement for the Royal Rumble event.

"It's official." She chuckled a bit before showing Dean the post their workplace put on Instagram.

"Welcome back to the shield baby." Dean joked making Sasha laugh more.

They would be teaming with the Shield in a tag team rematch from Survivor Series against Finn, AJ, Damian, and Liv. Sasha wasn't sure now if she would be pulling double duty, but was looking forward to teaming up with her husband and brothers yet again.

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