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A week after Sasha's gender reveal, Dean asked her out on a date. They were being extremely cautious and private though, especially since Sasha was a bit nervous. She trusted Dean, but she was still recovering from Simon. They didn't want any of their friends to know either just in case something went south. Although she was nervous, Sasha was excited since she and Dean have had feelings for each other for a little while now.

Dean was flying back to her house after traveling on the road. He had a whole day planned for her, if that's what she wanted to do. He wanted to prove himself to her and to take care of her. She seemed like she wanted that too. And he was fine with going at whatever pace she wanted, which right now is slow. He just wanted her to feel safe with him and he would do whatever it takes to make sure she did.

After he landed, he went and got into his car before sending Sasha a message to let her know that he'd be there soon. On his way to her house, he stopped at a floral shop. He ended up picking out some of her favorite flowers for her before continuing the drive back to her townhouse. Dean was excited to see her, which that was something he really hadn't felt before. He just hoped things would work out the way they should.

"Sasha?" Dean called throughout her home as he walked through the front door and didn't see her. He set her flowers down before walking upstairs to see her miserable in bed.

"I'm here." She opened her eyes and let out a small laugh before grabbing her glasses so she could see her new boyfriend better.

"Hey honey, what's wrong?" He asked as he sat down next to her.

"I feel like total shit." She whimpered a bit before sitting up and looking over at Dean.

"What's your symptoms?" He asked, moving some of her dark brown hair with blonde highlights away from her face.

"My whole body hurts and I'm constantly freezing." She yawned before Dean went over and moved closer to her.

"Can we do our date here? I'm really sorry, I just don't wanna go out." Sasha asked as Dean was taken back by her apologizing.

"Yeah Sash, of course. You don't have to apologize. You know that, right?" He furrowed a brow at her as she nodded her head.

"It was something I had to do all the time with you know who." She admitted before reaching out to hold his hand.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not him. You're always safe with me sweetheart." Dean comforted her before kissing her forehead.

"Thanks babe." She softly smiled at him as they hugged.

"So, whatcha wanna do?" He asked with a smile.

"Can we get Chinese and watch movies? I just wanna stay in bed." She giggled before removing her glasses to rub her tired eyes.

"Sounds perfect to me. I'll call and order it." He nodded as Sasha thanked him. The two walked downstairs for her to get some water before she saw the baby pink roses sitting on her counter in a vase.

"You got me flowers!" Sasha cheered as she looked over at Dean with the happiest look on her face. She looked about as happy as a kid in a candy store.

"I did." He chuckled as he was a bit taken back to see how happy she was over flowers. Then he remembered that women are always happy when you give them flowers.

"My favorites! Thank you!" She cheered before hugging Dean closely again.

"You're welcome, beautiful. You deserve flowers." Dean beamed before the two shared a quick but loving kiss.

"Alright, food is ordered. Anything in particular you wanna watch?" He asked as they sat downstairs on her couch.

"Horror movies!" Sasha giggled as those in particular were one of her favorites to watch.

"Horror movies it is." He chuckled.

"Thanks babe. Today is perfect." Sasha quietly smiled up at Dean, looking into his ocean blue eyes as he smiled back at her.

"Anything for you, love." He winked before the two cuddled and continued their movie marathon as their first date. They couldn't be happier.

You Found Me (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose) Where stories live. Discover now