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Five Days Later|Christmas

"Merry Christmas baby!" Sasha grinned as she and Dean were getting Hannah out of her bed. It was Christmas, as they were celebrating the morning as the three of them. Later on, Becky, Seth, and Mavis would be coming over to celebrate as well.

"Let's go see what Santa brought." Dean chuckled after taking Hannah once she cuddled with Sasha for a few minutes. The three headed downstairs where they had their Christmas tree and presents underneath it.

"Cheers to our first Christmas in our new house and married!" Sasha beamed once she got herself and Dean a cup of coffee.

"Cheers baby. To us and our little family." He grinned, the two clinking their mugs together and turning their attention to Hannah as she was trying to unwrap presents.

"This is my favorite part." Sasha quietly smiled to herself as she helped Hannah unwrap her gifts. Since Hannah was getting a bit older, Sasha was loving her personality really coming out. And since she was almost two, they were definitely having more fun this Christmas due to her being able to do more things.

The family of three really enjoyed their day. Sasha cooked them a nice breakfast while Dean put Hannah's toys together. Then, after they all ate, Sasha and Dean turned their attention to just soak up the morning with their daughter as they watched Christmas shows and movies. They knew they'd be having company over later that day, so they just wanted to enjoy their quiet family time for the morning.

"Hey hey! There's our dinner guests." Sasha laughed as she saw Becky, Seth, and Mavis come inside later that afternoon in to the evening.

"Merry Christmas guys!" Becky and Seth grinned as Sasha and Dean reciprocated it back. The four greeted each other before Seth and Dean went in to the kitchen to finish cooking the dinner. Sasha and Becky went in to the living room as Hannah and Mavis were already playing together.

"I've got some news." Seth teased as the other three adults grew suspicious.

"What's up?" Dean questioned before putting some food in the oven.

"We're doing another tag match with Sasha at the Rumble against Finn, Styles, Priest, and Liv again. Vince called me the other day and we'll hear it back up after the holidays." He grinned as everyone seemed excited.

"I'll prolly be pulling double duty then since I know we'll have a rematch." Sasha shrugged. She was excited to be in the shield again for another match.

"Hey! Where's my invite to be in the shield? I'm married to one too!" Becky asked as everyone began laughing.

"Me, you, and Char can be the shield since Bay isn't coming back." Sasha giggled before they enjoyed the rest of Christmas Day with their closest friends, who've turned in to family.

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