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One Month Later

Suggestive Content: Verbal Bullying & Anxiety

"I'm so excited for our trio dance tonight!" Hannah beamed at Mavis and Everett.

One month had passed since Hannah and Everett's first date. Everything went great and the two were happy together. They were really growing, bonding, and connecting. They were enjoying each other's time and company, taking things slow and private. There was no rush as they were young and in love.

Hannah, Mavis, and Everett were still competing on their televised dance show. Things were going great and they were having a lot of fun. They also were preparing to begin their senior year of high school too. For now, they would enjoy the remainder of summer that they had.

"Me too! We're the dream team!" Mavis grinned, hugging her best friends tight.

"Yes we are! It will be a lot of fun!" Everett grinned as well. The three were hanging out backstage and having fun together. However, someone caught Hannah's eye and she began feeling anxious.

It was Simon. That was Hannah's biological father. He was a free man now, getting out on good behavior with no parole. He was able to do whatever he wanted, wherever he wanted, however he wanted. Hannah was just anxious and confused as to why he would come find her backstage at her dance show. He didn't want her to begin with. Why now after seventeen years?

"Hannah?" Simon asked with an evil smile. Hannah went pale and eyes got big looking at the man who hurt her and her mother.

"Leave me alone! Why would I want to speak to you?" Hannah spat, staying close to Mavis and Everett.

"That's no way to talk to your father." Simon replied while looking at Hannah, Mavis, and Everett.

"You're not my father! Dean is!" She shouted before Dean stepped in, seeing Simon near his daughter. His blood boiling with rage. He had no choice but to get involved.

"You better get the hell away from my baby girl!" Dean stepped in, going toe to toe with Simon. Mavis and Everett rushed Hannah to a private spot in hopes to calm her down.

"What do you want from me, Dean?" Simon cocked an eyebrow as Dean was seething with rage.

"I want you to get the fuck out of here, Simon. How dare you have the nerve to show up here and look at my daughter after everything you did to my wife when she was pregnant with her!"

"Free country, Dean. I paid to show up. I can do that as I please." He chuckled, knowing he was pissing Dean off even more than expected.

"Hannah, it's okay. Breathe with me Han, it's okay." Mavis calmed her best friend down, holding her hand. Hannah was having an anxiety attack. She was shaky, sweaty, struggling to breathe. Mavis knew exactly what to do when her best friend got that way. Everett was trying to help out in between all of the chaos.

"You're safe, beautiful. Mave and I are here." Everett tried calming her down as well.

"You told my wife that you wished she would lose our baby girl! Now get the fuck up out of here before I call security!" Dean shouted in Simon's face.

"As you wish, for now. Wouldn't want to upset Hannah." Simon said, exiting the premises. Dean took a moment to calm down, then rushing to find his oldest daughter.

"Hannah!" Dean called out, looking for her.

"Hannah, where are you honey? It's dad." He called out again before finally finding his oldest daughter with her best friend and boyfriend. Hannah immediately got up and jogged to Dean, hugging her dad tight.

"Hannah, I'm sorry you had to see that baby. I did not want him to hurt you!" Dean apologized while holding his oldest daughter close.

"No, you're okay dad. I'm okay, just shaken up." She replied.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. Please don't let this ruin your night. We are all here for you and we love you honey. I'm sorry you saw that side of me." He expressed, kissing the top of her head.

"Daddy, it's okay. I know you're protecting mom and I. It's okay, I just want to focus on dance tonight." She reassured him, the two hugging again and trying to move on from the chaotic moments.

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