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Six Months Later

"Merry Christmas, my beautiful wife." Dean chuckled as it was a little after one in the morning, going into Christmas Day.

"Merry Christmas, baby. Another year of being Santa in the books." Sasha snickered before kissing her husband.

The two just finished wrapping up Hannah's presents, setting them under the tree. The past six months have been amazing since Money In The Bank. Sasha was finally healed up from both injuries. Now that she was healed, she was fully enjoying being a stay at home mom and wife. She would help teach at Seth's wrestling school on some of their off days, or if they were on a long tour. Sasha didn't mind it. She loved giving back to the wrestling industry.

Dean was still traveling and wrestling. Occasionally, Sasha would bring Hannah and they'd go as a family. Dean was enjoying this run he's on currently. He and Seth were the current Raw Tag Team Champions and they were defending against Kevin and Sami. The four men always had so much fun wrestling each other. They also delivered some amazing matches. Life has been going pretty good for the family of three. And it was only about to get better.

"Yep, that is true. But let's head to bed to get some sleep. I'm sure Hannah will be waking up sooner rather than later." He expressed as Sasha agreed.

The two got some sleep for the night. Hannah woke up around seven in the morning, super excited to open her presents and to be with her parents. Sasha and Dean didn't mind not getting a lot of sleep either. They were creating core memories for their daughter and their family as a whole. They also knew they could probably get a little nap whenever Hannah took hers.

"Mommy! This is so cool!" Hannah cheered as she held up a doll that came with some hair styling stuff. She was super into that stuff right now, so Sasha was happy to see her nearly four year old daughter excited for it.

"I'm so glad you love it pumpkin! Santa saw that on your list." Sasha giggled while helping her daughter open up the box. Dean was in the kitchen, cooking them some breakfast before hearing his wife's phone ringing.

"Babe, Hunter's calling you." Dean responded. Sasha got up, grabbing her phone to answer Hunter's call.

"Hey, Hunter! Merry Christmas! How are you?" Sasha answered the phone after sitting back down with Hannah.

"Hi Sasha. Merry Christmas to you as well. I'm doing good. Listen, I know it's the holiday but I wanted to call you with some news I have." Hunter began as Sasha was confused.

"It's not another match is it?" She asked before laughing a bit.

"Ha ha, nope. We would like to have you inducted into the Hall of Fame this year. You would be the woman's headliner. We appreciate everything you have contributed to this industry and want you to have your shining moment. You worked damn hard for this. It's only fitting." He explained as Sasha got emotional.

"Thank you so much, Hunter. That is the highest honor in WWE. I would be more than happy to accept a Hall of Fame induction." She grinned while talking.

"Sounds good. After the holidays, we'll fly you and whomever you choose to induct you out here and we can all have a meeting. Give me a call back whenever before we fly you out so we know who will induct you." He added as Sasha nodded her head.

"Thank you so, so much Hunter. I will see you soon." She replied as the two hung up the phone. Dean called for breakfast as he got Hannah situated, then turning his attention to his wife.

"What was that about?" He asked while making plates.

"So, Hunter wants me to headline for the woman to be inducted into the Hall of Fame this coming up year." She gave a cheesy smile before getting emotional again. Dean stopped what he was doing to hug his wife and kiss her on her temple.

"Congratulations, baby. You deserve this. Everything you've done has lead you to this moment. I'm so proud of you!" He beamed as he lifted her off her feet and gave her a passionate kiss.

"Thank you babe. It means a lot that you and Hannah will get to be there too. My two favorite people." She grinned after kissing her husband again, then enjoying Christmas morning breakfast with them. Sasha was overjoyed to be receiving her flowers, getting a Hall of Fame induction.

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