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"Last night was crazy." Sasha admitted while sitting in Dean's locker room.

It was WrestleMania Saturday. Dean was facing Finn as the Demon in a Hell In A Cell match. The two men were so excited for their match. They knew they'd tear the house down and kick ass. The fans were excited for this match as well.

"It was, but I'm so proud of you baby. Finally gettin' your flowers." Dean smiled at his wife, who was playing with their daughter on the floor.

"Thank you honey. I'm also gonna post our announcement pictures. Even though I announced last night, I still wanna post the pictures we took." She snickered, referring to the pregnancy announcement photos they took shortly after the first ultrasound. Sasha had been waiting to post it until she announced last night. Now that it was out there, she wanted to share the photos.

"Go for it." He chuckled while continuing to get ready for his match.

"I can't wait to watch yours and Finn's match too! You guys are gonna kill it!" She grinned as her husband walked out to see his wife and daughter.

"Thank you baby, I'll see you in a little bit. Gotta go do some media and then it's show time." He kissed his wife before heading out.

Later on, Sasha was with Hannah in gorilla. They were with Bayley and Austin as well, along with Bayley and Finn's almost two year old daughter. They were watching their husbands compete inside the Hell In A Cell. They were doing an amazing job. Finn as the Demon ended up winning, but that didn't take away from Dean's amazing performance as well.

"Great job babe! I'm so proud of you!" Sasha beamed as her husband came to gorilla.

"Thanks honey. Do it for you." He chuckled before he and Finn shared a side hug and Dean hugged Bayley.

"Good job, demon brother." Sasha teased Finn as they celebrated a successful first night of WrestleMania.

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