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"Good morning, beautiful. You hungry?" Dean asked his girlfriend on the morning of May 8th.

"Mhm. Just five more minutes?" She tiredly asked with a sweet smile, wanting her boyfriend to come back in bed and cuddle with her for a few more minutes.

"Whatever you want, angel." He chuckled before climbing back in bed and cuddling with her for a few minutes before the two decided to get up. Sasha was thirty nine weeks pregnant with baby Hannah Elizabeth, but could pop any day now. At her last doctor appointment she was already three centimeters dilated and was fully effaced. Sasha and Dean are basically just waiting to see if and when she'll go into labor on her own.

After a few more minutes, Dean helped Sasha downstairs to eat the breakfast he had made for the two of them. Then, they were just going to lounge around the house before Bayley would come over that day to check on Sasha. She wanted Bayley to help her a bit as well since she had already been through childbirth with her and Finn's now eight month old baby boy, Austin. Sasha really was enjoying her pregnancy even with the sucky circumstances with her ex, but he wouldn't have anything to do with Hannah. So, Sasha was relieved that Hannah would have a dad like Dean to be a part of her life and take care of them.

"Ow! Shit." Sasha murmured as she and Dean were relaxing in the living room, watching a show.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked, wanting to check on his girlfriend.

"I just had a really sharp pain." She furrowed her brows and looked up at her boyfriend.

"Do you think it's contractions?" His curiosity got to him since in reality, Sasha could give birth any day now and any moment.

"I dunno. I guess I can start timing them and see what happens." She shrugged before pulling out her phone and opening a pregnancy app where they had a timer for contractions as they began keeping a close eye on Sasha and timing her contractions.

"Hello?" Sasha tiredly asked an hour later as she heard her front door open. She and Dean were still on the couch as they saw her best friend walk through the door.

"Hey mama, I have arrived." Bayley smiled before seeing Sasha so tired and uncomfortable.

"What's going on?" She asked, setting her stuff down and going next to her friends.

"I started having contractions an hour ago." Sasha informed her friend as Bayley's eyes widened.

"Oh. How far apart are they?" She asked, trying to help her friend by getting her some water.

"Six minutes." She groaned as she was feeling another one.

"Sounds like here soon you'll be able to go to the hospital." She smiled as Sasha nodded her head.

"Do you need help with anything?" Bayley asked as Dean was holding Sasha's hand and trying to help her any way he could.

"Can you just take the bag out to the car? I'm gonna try and take a quick shower." Sasha asked as Bayley nodded her head. Dean then helped Sasha up the stairs and into the bathroom before she felt a pop and a rush of water as well as a shot of pain go up her spine.

"My water broke." She whimpered before looking up at Dean.

"Okay honey, let's get you to the hospital so we can have Hannah." He comforted her before helping Sasha out to the car. Dean then informed Bayley as she would head back home with Finn and Austin until baby Hannah would be born.

They got to the hospital about twenty minutes later as they had to quickly get her settled into a room. It took a little bit but the doctor had come in to check and see that Sasha was eight centimeters dilated and fully effaced. Due to her being almost ready to give birth, she couldn't get the epidural. Sasha didn't care though, she just wanted baby Hannah Elizabeth born.

"Almost there baby, she's almost here. You're doing great." Dean comforted her, placing a cool washcloth on her head and kissing her hand.

"I just want her out." She whimpered quietly before squeezing Dean's hand.

"I know beautiful, you're almost there." He comforted her before helping her through another contraction.

About two hours later, Sasha was fully dilated and ready to give birth. She and Dean were very excited to meet baby Hannah Elizabeth. Sasha was a bit nervous to fully give birth since she's never done it before, but Dean was keeping her calm and encouraging her. She just couldn't wait to see and meet her baby girl for the first time.

"You're doing great babe, keep going." Dean smiled as Sasha began pushing.

"Just a couple more pushes, mama. She's almost out." One of the nurses informed Sasha as she nodded her head, took a deep breath, and began pushing again. Just a few short minutes later, the loud cries of baby Hannah Elizabeth filled the room as both Sasha and Dean began crying as the newborn baby was placed on her mama's chest.

"Hi sweet girl! Hi baby." Sasha smiled while crying as Hannah was placed on her chest.

"I'm so proud of you baby. You did amazing." Dean grinned, kissing his girlfriend's forehead before going to cut Hannah's cord.

"Babe, she's perfect." Sasha quietly said as she was having skin to skin bonding time with Hannah once they were both cleaned up.

"She is. She's the most beautiful baby ever." He smiled as they admired baby Hannah's features. Even though she looked like her biological father with the dirty blonde hair and big blue eyes, she still had Sasha's facial features and structures. Sasha didn't think anything different of her baby, as she was just so happy to be her mama.

A few hours later, Sasha, Dean, and the baby got some rest and Sasha had nursed Hannah before seeing that their friends were on their way to the hospital to meet Hannah. They couldn't wait for their friends to meet baby Hannah. They also were excited because they were going to tell their friends about their relationship. They wanted to keep it private so their friends haven't known a single thing about it.

"Hi mama! Congratulations!" Bayley smiled as she opened the door but all of their friends were behind them. Dean and Sasha thanked them before they all got settled in and greeted the new parents. Then, they all were able to hold baby Hannah, even if it was brief, before returning the newborn baby girl back to Sasha.

"How's it feel now that she's here?" Charlotte asked as Sasha was trying to calm down baby Hannah.

"I don't think I could be happier. I just feel my heart melting all the time. She's perfect and I love it so far." She smiled at her friends before closing her eyes for a brief moment.

"Can I ask you guys something?" Bayley asked as she was looking at Sasha and Dean. They nodded their heads for her to continue.

"Are you guys dating?" She asked with a cheesy smile before Sasha and Dean began laughing a bit.

"Yeah, we are." Sasha smiled at Dean before the girls gasped.

"Really?! For how long?" Becky asked.

"Since the gender reveal, so about five months now." Dean chuckled as their friends were so excited for them.

"So, can I ask if Dean is on the birth certificate?" Charlotte asked.

"Unfortunately not." Sasha began as their friends looked confused.

"Since we're not engaged or married, he can't adopt her or sign the birth certificate. Once we get engaged we're gonna start the process and once we're married then he can officially adopt her. We have a lawyer for this but probably when she's two will be when he can adopt her. So, for now, Hannah has my last name Varnado." She continued as their friends were understanding but still so happy for them. Sasha and Dean were excited too and couldn't wait to experience this new chapter as parents to baby Hannah Elizabeth.

You Found Me (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose) Where stories live. Discover now