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Four Months Later

"Good morning honey." Sasha smiled as she woke up next to Dean.

"Good morning, beautiful. I got a surprise for you." He smiled before kissing the top of her head.

"What's that?" She questioned, furrowing her brows.

"We're going on a date tonight. Becky and Seth are gonna come watch Hannah while we go out." He winked as Sasha's face lit up.

"Awww, that's sweet of them! And that's awesome babe! I can't wait." She beamed before they heard baby Hannah waking up. The two had a quick kiss before getting baby Hannah and getting up for the day.

Dean made the two of them breakfast while Sasha nursed baby Hannah and got her cleaned up for the day. They spent the morning outside and let Hannah get some fresh air as well as setting her outdoor play pen outside for her to have fun. It was a nice, relaxing morning before they got Hannah down for a nap. Once she was asleep, Sasha began getting ready for their date night since Dean had told her to dress nicely. Even though Sasha was nervous leaving Hannah, she was so excited to have a few hours with just her and Dean.

"So, you still doing it tonight?" Seth quietly asked a few hours later. He and Becky just arrived at the house and Becky was upstairs chatting with Sasha as she got ready for the date night.

"Damn right I am. It's about time I put a ring on her finger." Dean chuckled as he and Seth went to the basement so he could show him the ring.

Dean was going to propose to Sasha that night. They've been together for a year now, as Dean felt it was the right time. Both he and Sasha knew they wanted to be together forever, but Dean just didn't want to rush. Now was the perfect time. All of their friends knew but they've been doing a good job by keeping it a secret from Sasha. They couldn't wait for the two to get engaged and married.

"We're happy for you both. Go have fun tonight." Seth grinned, patting Dean on the back.

After Sasha was finished getting ready, she and Dean thanked their two friends before saying goodbye to baby Hannah as she was happy and content with her Aunt Becky. Sasha was so happy to have this date with Dean, but was slightly suspicious since he was acting a little bit different. Nothing wrong, just more fidgety and he normally wasn't like that. She didn't question it though, since she just thought he would be like that with it being the first time they both haven't been with Hannah. She was just excited for their alone time.

"That was so amazing honey." Sasha beamed about two hours later as she and Dean were leaving the restaurant they were at. They had a nice dinner as Sasha treated herself to her first glass of wine since giving birth to Hannah. She only had one though due to her having to nurse Hannah when they got home. It was overall a nice dinner, but little did Sasha know, there was still more to come.

"It was. Why don't we go to the park and enjoy the sunset?" Dean asked as she seemed down for that. The two then drove about fifteen minutes to get to the park as they took a walk as the sun was setting. Not too long into the walk, Dean found a quiet and private spot for him to propose at.

"Something wrong honey?" Sasha asked as she saw Dean starting to tear up.

"No, I just want you to know how much I love you and our baby girl." He smiled, quickly blinking before a tear or two slid down his tan face.

"Aww, we love you too babe." She grinned before hugging and kissing her boyfriend.

"I've loved being yours for the last year. And I've loved being Hannah's dad. I can't wait to adopt her. I want you to be mine forever. And I really really want to know," Dean started as he was crying a bit. He then got down on one knee to reveal a two and a half carat pear shaped diamond ring as Sasha gasped and started crying herself too.

"I want to know if you'll marry me?" He beamed as he was grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" Sasha gleamed through her tears as Dean slid the ring on her finger. He then stood up before they had a romantic kiss and a sweet hug before enjoying the rest of the night as a newly engaged couple. They couldn't wait to get married and be Mr and Mrs Good.

You Found Me (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose) Where stories live. Discover now